Showing posts with label Convert. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Convert. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Lindsay Lohan: Did She Convert to Islam?

Over the past couple years Lindsay Lohan has taken her career to a place that everyone saw coming (the gutter), and her persona in a direction that very few anticipated.

Casting aside the washed-up trainwreck image that she’s worked so hard to cultivate, Lindsay has adopted a sort of Carmen San Diego-meets-Angelina-Jolie persona, wherein she talks with a fake foreign accent and pretends to understand international politics.

We may never know for sure if Lindsay is a Turkish spy (Yes, that’s a legitimate theory.), but we do know that she’s very serious about cutting ties with Hollywood, and seeking deeper meaning abroad.

Last week, Lindsay made waves when she deleted all the photos from her Instagram and replaced with a brief message written in Arabic.

Lindsay’s bio now reads simply, “Alaikum salam,” which translates to “peace be with you,” and is a traditional greeting in Muslim communities.

Lindsay has been lying low for the past week, but Islamic fans the world over have been taking to social media to welcome her to their faith.

“I’m so happy that Lindsay Lohan found Islam. may Allah guide her and bless her,” tweeted one Muslim follower yesterday.

“I heard that Lindsay Lohan converted to Islam? If its true, alhamdulillah. God has shown her the right path to now follow,” added another.

Rumors about Lindsay’s interest in Islam date back to 2015, when she was spotted carrying a Koran while performing community service work following one of her many legal scrapes.

On Monday, Page Six reported that the rumors about Lindsay’s conversion seem to be true.

Interestingly, the tabloid section of the New York Post claims that Lohan’s reps declined to comment on their story.

Generally, that’s a pretty good indication that there’s at least a modicum of truth to whatever is being reported.

The weird thing is, there shouldn’t be anything scandalous about Lindsay converting to Islam, which makes it all the more baffling that her team seems to be in damage control.

Our guess is they’re concerned about the impact such an unexpected move would have on Lindsay’s career.

Sadly, the Islamic community faces considerable prejudice in the US, and the most popular of actors would likely find themselves embroiled in controversy if they publicly converted.

Lindsay’s star hasn’t been on the rise for a long time, and there are probably concerns in her camp that associating with a religion that’s regarded with skepticism by so many Americans could be the nail in the coffin of her career.
