Showing posts with label Demonic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Demonic. Show all posts

Thursday, February 15, 2018

"Demonic Child" Goes On Rampage, Screams for 8-Hour Flight

The next time you want to complain about noise or commotion on board an airplane, please remember the video featured below.

And keep in mind: It could always be worse!

Earlier this week, passengers on a Lufthansa plane from Germany to New Jersey were forced to endure constant screaming from a three-year old child that sources tell The Daily Mail suffers from some kind of disability.

It"s unclear exactly what is the matter with the toddler, but it"s VERY clear in this footage that he is unable to sit still or be quiet.

Stuck on the eight-hour voyage with this unnamed child, New York City artist Shane Townley documented the stunning behavior at various point of the eight-hour trip.

Yes, the boy screamed, yelled and jumped all over various seats for eight consecutive hours.

The five-minute video – which was filmed a few seats back from the unwanted action – depicts this restless kid climbing all over the passengers’ seats and jabbering, while his mother tries to calm him down.

At one point, she asks the flight attendant to please (PLEASE!) get the wi-fi going so that she can distract her son with his iPad

Alas, this makes no difference in the end.

In his description of the footage on YouTube, Townley describes the energetic three-year old as "demonic" and the situation as a "nightmare," the latter of which we most definitely understand.

Heck, at one point, the child sits on top of the seats and hits the ceiling of the plane, ignoring his mom"s request to "calm down."

Elsewhere in the video, we see passengers covering their ears and trying to ignore all that"s taking place around them.

But it"s a virtual impossibility.

On Twitter, most users were sympathetic to the mother here, although some offered a few suggestions for the airline:

A representative from Lufthansa told the British publication that most passengers were understanding of the incident and that their crew did its best to de-escalate the situation.

Only so much could be done, however.

Check out the viral footage below:

Demonic child goes on rampage screams for entire 8 hour flight

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Jeremy Vuolo SLAMMED for Calling Catholicism a Demonic, Pagan Religion!

A lot of people love the Duggars because of how strongly they value their religion, and how deeply they believe in it.

But a lot of other people wish they would cool their jets about certain issues.

For example, as we’ve seen in recent months, it’s always a big issue when one of the Duggar women dares to wear something other than a long, plain skirt.

From what we’ve heard, Jinger wearing pants is about to damn near tear the family apart.

There’s also the thing about having baby after baby after baby, regardless of the health of the woman popping out all those kids. Because the Lord isn’t down with contraception.

And then there’s the unwavering forgiveness for Josh Duggar, who molested four of his sisters …

The point is that the Duggars have many extreme views, and that they make a lot of people uncomfortable.

And a sermon delivered by Jeremy Vuolo, Jinger’s brand new husband, is following in that same tradition.

See, Jeremy as a pastor at a church in Laredo, Texas. And apparently a lot of Catholics live in Laredo.

For him, that is not OK.

In a recent sermon he preached at the church, he decided to offer up his stance on Catholicism, which he referred to as “demonic.”

Yeah, he doesn’t seem to be too fond of the whole thing.

“I just want to say this, kind of as an aside for us here in Laredo,” he said. “There are spiritual strongholds in our world today, aren’t there?”

“Just as Paul and Silas encountered the demonic in Phillippi, so we encounter that here in Laredo. In this city we have the pagan religion of Catholicism gripping the souls of the majority.”

Catholicism is a pagan religion? We thought it was a Christian religion, but OK, Jeremy.

It really seems like he doesn’t see Catholicism as a different denomination of Christianity, but as a different religion altogether — he suggested this in another part of his sermon.

“When the question comes, ‘What must I do to be saved?’, Catholicism tells you to clean up your life and adequately perform the sacramental duties,” he said.”

For Islam, he said “the only way for you to be certain of paradise is if you die in jihad,” and “for those who claim to be Jews but are not” (???), the key is to follow the Torah and “just do your best.”

However, “the message of the Christian is that of grace” — just not if you’re a Catholic Christian, it seems.

His views fit in with the rest of the Duggars pretty well: remember, Jill and Derick Dillard are missionaries in El Salvador, which is 85% Christian, just with a Catholic majority.

But still, Jeremy is getting a whole, whole lot of hate for the statements he made in his sermon.

“What is with the pagan religion of Catholicism?” one person asked on Twitter. “Do we believe a reality show whore, or a 2k year church founded by an apostle?”

“You should be ashamed for disrespect you show for Catholics,” another wrote. “Pagan? Please you and your church are spewing this hate. God is Judge, not you.”

One person pointed out that “Referring to Catholicsm as ‘pagan’ not only insults Catholics, but Pagans. Study both before making such off-base comments.”


Even though Jeremy is getting this much criticism, we highly doubt he’ll change his opinion or consider these other points of view.

That’s just not the Duggar way.
