Showing posts with label Dillane. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dillane. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Frank Dillane: Arrested for Some Really Weird Behavior

Nick may be one of the only characters that is bearable on AMC’s Fear The Walking Dead… but the actor that plays him isn’t going down quite as well with the law. 

The actor in question is Frank Dillane and, according to TMZ, he was arrested for trying to force his way into the CBS lot on Sunday night. 

You’d think that he’d be filming there (or doing something there at least), but it turns out his show doesn’t even film anywhere near the lot. 

It’s sort of weird to think that just because he’s on a successful series he thinks he should be allowed to go wherever he wants. 

That shouldn’t be the case and he’ll no doubt find himself in even more trouble down the line. 

Things apparently got more alarming for security when Dillane grew irritated about the whole experience and struck the guard. 

Yes, he struck the freaking guard. 

He got what was coming to him when the other guards performed a citizen’s arrest. 

If you thought his day couldn’t get any worse, then you’re mistaken… 

The LAPD showed up on the scene and charged him with battery. 

Will this affect this up and coming star from continuing his rise in popularity? Probably not, but it’s pretty concerning. 

On Fear The Walking Dead, his character recently figured out how to make his way through groups of walkers undetected. 

It’s a bit alarming that his alter ego can get through hordes of zombies and he can’t make it past a few guards. 

Fear The Walking Dead recently debuted a new season and solidified itself as the second highest rated cable series on all of television.

Dillane’s first big break was as Tom Riddle in Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince.

This is whole thing is a pretty big deal, so it should be interesting to read Dillane’s next tweet about the whole thing!