Showing posts with label Disaster. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Disaster. Show all posts

Friday, February 24, 2017

Caitlyn Jenner Lashes Out at Trump, "This is a Disaster" (VIDEO)

Caitlyn Jenner broke in a big way with President Trump over his intention to lift federal protections on equal access to bathrooms for transgender students. Caitlyn spoke to Trump “from one Republican to another,” calling Trump’s move “a disaster.”…


Monday, December 5, 2016

Oakland Rave Fire -- Ex "Ghost Ship" Worker Warned ... It Was Primed for Disaster (VIDEO)

The Oakland fire was 100% avoidable in the eyes of a woman who worked in the building … and claims she warned the boss about safety dangers for years. Danielle Bourdeaux volunteered at the so-called Oakland Ghost Ship art collective until…


Thursday, July 21, 2016

Farrah Abraham: Botox Disaster Captured on Snapchat?!

Farrah Abraham is single and very much ready to mingle.

We know this not only because she’s employed the services of matchmaker Patti Stanger, but also because she’s going to great lengths to look her best these days:

Unfortunately, as you can see, those efforts seem to have backfired.

When most folks get gussied up, they put on their Sunday best and maybe try out a new hairstyle.

Farrah, on the other hand, heads straight to the plastic surgeon’s (probably the top number on her recent calls list) and spends a few grand on procedures.

As you can see from the pic above, she often meets with mixed results.

If you’re a fan (or just one of the many who can’t look away from the baffling trainwreck that is her life), you know that Farrah is no stranger to plastic surgery.

In fact, this isn’t even the first time she’s experienced an epic facial fail.

You may recall Farrah’s lip injection debacle from earlier this year. 

Following that unfortunate incident, the Teen Mom star posted pics as a caution to fans.

But did she follow her own advice and stop tinkering with her features?

Hell no!

Of course, this time it seems she posted the unfortunate results without realizing there was something askew about her face.

But it doesn’t matter.

Farrah and plastic surgery will always be a match made in heaven.

In fact, why is she even looking for a man?

She’s already in love with both herself, and constantly changing herself.