Showing posts with label Doctorate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Doctorate. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Dak Prescott Wants to Pursue Doctorate in Psychology (AUDIO)

Dr. Dak Prescott?! The Dallas Cowboys star says he’s not done stackin’ up college degrees … revealing his plans to hit the books and pursue a PhD in psychology!! The NFL’s Rookie of the Year — who already has his Bachelor’s AND Master’s degree…


Thursday, September 24, 2015

Bill Cosby -- Fordham University Pulls Honorary Doctorate



0924-bill-cosby-getty-01Bill Cosby has lost another ally … Fordham University has destroyed the honorary doctorate given to the comedian in 2001. 

During a Board of Trustees meeting on Thursday, Fordham president Joseph McShane introduced a motion to cut Cosby’s doctorate — board members unanimously agreed. This is the first time in school history a person has lost an honorary degree. 

In a statement to students, the school said, “The University has taken this extraordinary step in light of Mr. Cosby’s now-public court depositions that confirm many of the allegations made against him.”

You might remember … Spelman College cut ties with Cosby in July.