Showing posts with label Elastic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Elastic. Show all posts

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Sia Fans NEED To Watch FKA Twigs" Haunting Cover Of Elastic Heart!

We swear, everything this girl does is a total work of art!

FKA twigs stopped by BBC Radio 1 to perform and blew EVERYONE away with this beautiful rendition of Sia‘s hit Elastic Heart.

The underlying synth track was creepy and dissonant, and the 27-year-old’s voice was gentle and haunting as she sang the Australian artist’s powerful words.

[ Related: FKA Twigs’ Extra Long NSFW Music Video! ]

In the middle of the performance, FKA really throws herself into it — literally — by busting into an interpretive dance break with her partner (who wasn’t Shia LaBeouf but still impressive)!

What a crazy cover! We LOVES it! Watch her get lost in the music (above)!