Thursday, September 10, 2015

Sia Fans NEED To Watch FKA Twigs" Haunting Cover Of Elastic Heart!

We swear, everything this girl does is a total work of art!

FKA twigs stopped by BBC Radio 1 to perform and blew EVERYONE away with this beautiful rendition of Sia‘s hit Elastic Heart.

The underlying synth track was creepy and dissonant, and the 27-year-old’s voice was gentle and haunting as she sang the Australian artist’s powerful words.

[ Related: FKA Twigs’ Extra Long NSFW Music Video! ]

In the middle of the performance, FKA really throws herself into it — literally — by busting into an interpretive dance break with her partner (who wasn’t Shia LaBeouf but still impressive)!

What a crazy cover! We LOVES it! Watch her get lost in the music (above)!