Showing posts with label Enrages. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Enrages. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Kendall Jenner Pepsi Ad Enrages the Internet

In a new Pepsi commercial, Kendall Jenner tries to act woke about the ongoing political and social climate.

Instead, however, the reality star awoke in the wake of this ad to anger and consternation across the Internet.

Did Pepsi really greenlight a spot that features Kendall thinking she can bring about world peace by simply offering some police officers a can of soda?

That turns legitimate global concerns about violence and equality into a simple issue that can be resolved via a sip of Pepsi?


You can see the controversial ad HERE and you can read the stunned social media response to it below…

1. Wait… WHAT?!?

Wait what

Think of all the people who had to give their approval for this commercial to be made.

2. This Will Solve Everything!

This will solve everything

Really, isn’t that basically what Pepsi is saying?

3. Who Needs Dreams?

Who needs dreams

When you can have a Pepsi instead!

4. The Hashtags Say It All

The hashtags say it all

So very much explaining to do.


Shame shame shame

Simple, yet effective and accurate assessment.

6. Right?!?


This is what we’re sayin!

View Slideshow

Friday, December 16, 2016

Scott Baio"s Alleged Attacker Enrages Parents at School

Scott Baio’s alleged attacker’s not only facing a Sheriff’s investigation — she’s also dealing with a school full of angry parents demanding the school drop the hammer on her. Sources close to the situation tell TMZ … Nancy Mack, wife of Red Hot…
