Showing posts with label Faithful. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Faithful. Show all posts

Friday, July 27, 2018

Khloe Kardashian: It"s OK, Tristan Thompson is Too Dumb to Be Faithful!

At this point, it feels pretty safe to say that Khloe Kardashian has forgiven Tristan Thompson for cheating on her multiple times throughout her pregnancy.

Or maybe she hasn’t forgiven him, but she’s definitely not leaving him.

Just last month, a Twitter user told her that she was “disappointed” in her for staying with him, and Khloe told her off.

“You have no knowledge of what goes on in our household or the enormous rebuilding this takes to even coexist,” she wrote.

“I’m proud of my strength.”

We’re glad she feels proud, but a new report from People details a bit of what is going on in their household, and some information about the kind of work they’re putting into their relationship.

And it’s … well … it’s pretty ridiculous, honestly.

A source close to Khloe claims that “as a guy,” Tristan is “naturally not as understanding as he can be in this particular situation.”

“It’s so much easier for him to, not completely, but brush things under the rug. She can’t do that.”

“Khloe carried his child,” the source continues, “and is much more in the limelight than he is, and she doesn’t think he understands the consequences of his decisions.”

“She thinks the cheating scandal is a way bigger deal than he does and he doesn’t fully understand the repercussions of his actions affecting not only him and Khloe but the entire family as a whole.”

Poor, simple Tristan, huh?

We know he’s just “a guy” and therefore completely incapable of understanding how emotions work, but still, you think he could have picked up a couple of things from different relationships over the years.

Or movies, TV shows, anything.

Enough to figure out that cheating on your pregnant girlfriend multiple times is bad.

But that concept isn’t the only one that he’s had trouble grasping.

This insider says that Khloe’s family’s reaction to the cheating scandal, how strongly they all reacted to the news, has “been a tough learning lesson for him.”

Yeah, how wild is it that her family got mad that he stepped out on her so publicly during such a vulnerable time?

Who could have foreseen such a turn of events?!

The source adds that “He also doesn’t fully ‘get’ that she’s been through this before [with Lamar Odom], except that this time there’s a child involved.”

That’s fair — after all, it wasn’t like anyone ever really talked about what happened with Lamar, you know?

“When he got with Khloe,” the story continues, “he tried to adapt to the best of his ability, but he struggled with being part of such a high-profile family and crossed lines he shouldn’t have.”

“He wasn’t expecting such major backlash from the public and it’s been a lot for him to handle.”

It’s definitely clear who the victim in all of this is, that’s for sure!

So let’s recap: Tristan is just a guy, and that means it’s hard for him to understand that cheating is bad, that cheating when your girlfriend is pregnant is extra bad, and that doing all of this when your girlfriend is super famous is even worse.

He also has somehow missed the entire saga of Khlomar and why an unfaithful partner might be more difficult for her because of that.

Additionally, all of this negative attention has really been hard for him, so if everyone could cut him some slack, that would be great.

It seems like that’s what the Kardashians are doing!

“The whole family is there to support both him and Khloe through everything,” the insider states, “but they also need his commitment in order for the relationship to succeed.”

“All of them are really hoping for a positive outcome for Khloe’s sake.”

We’re hoping everything works out too, but we have to remember that Tristan will almost certainly mess up again.

Not because he’s a bad person, not because he has questionable morals or poor self control.

But because he has a penis.

And he can’t help that, guys.


Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar Cameo Rankles "Counting On" Faithful, Sparks Controversy

Since 19 Kids and Counting was canceled by TLC network last summer, Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar have kept a relatively low profile.

Because of their role in covering up Josh Duggar’s molestation scandal, and their perceived hypocrisy in general, the parents took a PR hit.

Gradually, the family recovered from the setback and returned to reality TV with Jill & Jessa: Counting On (later renamed Counting On).

Jill, Jessa, Jinger Duggar and the other adult kids, along with their coming-of-age siblings, have emerged as the new family focal point.

Josh Duggar, obviously, is nowhere to be seen, although his long-suffering wife Anna has discussed the state of their marriage at times.

Until this season, Jim Bob and Michelle had made themselves scarce as well, until a recent cameo that the duo may now be rethinking.

If you watch Counting On online, you saw the patriarch and matriarch chilling with Jessa and Ben Seewald, Jinger Duggar and Jeremy Vuolo.

It was one thing when Jeremy asked Jim Bob’s permission to start courting Jinger. Milestones like that are important and he is central to them.

A lot of fans weren’t happy to see the couple’s renewed role, however – and man alive, did they let social media hear about it after the fact.

“It was told that if the show came back on, the parents would not be on there,” one angry fan wrote on the show’s official Facebook page. 

NOTE: It’s unclear if this is actually true. TLC has denied reports of Josh Duggar returning to TV, but hasn’t discussed Jim Bob and Michelle.

“Keep the parents off the show!” Duggar hater #149 demanded.

“They are the reason that Josh is in the shape that he is now.”

That is familiar refrain, and the reason for their self-exile.

The Duggars’ controversial rules for dating, courting and life have always found their share of detractors, but in light of Josh’s scandals?

Everything they do is doubly polarizing, if not more so.

As such, they’re hearing it from the fandom now.

Another fan who loves Jinger, Jill and company, but can’t stand the sight of the people who gave them life, added the following:

“Get those disgusting parents off the show! At least Josh is no longer on the show. [TLC] should be ashamed of itself.”

“I will no longer watch this show.”

Some Duggar fans even accused the couple of “wiggling their [way] back” into the limelight and “making a dime” out of their kids.

Sound about right.

“I have no desire to see Jim Bob and the wife!” yet another angry fan commented after their Counting On Season 3 Episode 2 appearance.

“I thought ‘Counting On’ [was] going to be about the girls and their lives and the parents weren’t allowed to be on the show.”

One viewer said, “I have lost all respect for the parents after finding out they knew the whole time Josh molested his sisters.”

Well, yeah.

However, not all online comments were mean towards Jim Bob and Michelle; Duggar Nation remains behind them, at least in part.

Some of those who have been with 19 Kids and Counting since the start liked that the patriarch and matriarch were back in the mix.

One enthusiastic fan wrote:

“Loved this week’s episode! So happy for Jinger! And I loved seeing Michelle & Jim Bob again! I hope to see more of the entire family together again!”

Another fan added: “Thank you so much for showing the whole family on tonight’s episode. My heart was filled with joy to see them all!”

What do you think? Yay or nay to Michelle and Jim Bob appearing alongside their kids more often, less often, or not in a million years?

Hit the comments to tell us.