Showing posts with label Figured. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Figured. Show all posts

Friday, April 20, 2018

Who Is the Most Beloved Duggar? Fans Think They"ve Figured It Out!

We all like to think our parents don’t have a favorite child, but get a few drinks in any mom or dad, and you can probably coax them into admitting that they hold one of their offspring in slightly higher esteem than the rest.

Unfortunately, no one in the Duggar clan drinks, so fans had to resort to more labor-intensive methods in order to determine which of Jim Bob and Michelle’s 19 children reigns supreme.

According to an informal scoring system devised by fans and based on the family’s social media posts, a clear favorite has emerged in recent months.

And the outcome of the contest might surprise those who follow the Duggars closely.

It seems Jinger is unofficially the most favored Duggar among Duggars, this according to the number of times she appears on the family’s Instagram and Facebook pages.

Jinger is not only the number one subject on her the official Duggar Facebook account, she also enjoys the distinction of having the most photos on her siblings’ Instagrams.

That may come as something of a surprise to those who are familiar with the reputation as “the rebel Duggar” that Jinger has gained over the course of the past year.

Jinger was the first woman to wear pants in her family, the first female of her generation to move away from Arkansas, and the first to wait more than a year after her wedding to get pregnant.

Of course, living in Laredo, Texas – 750 miles away from the rest of her family in Tontitown, Arkansas – might ironically give Jinger an unfair advantage.

On top of that, Jinger fancies herself a photographer, which means she’s the most likely to pose for a selfie with her siblings, who then post the pics on their social media pages.

But maybe there’s more to it than that.

Maybe Jinger’s rebellious spirit really has made her the most beloved among her siblings.

Maybe the other Duggars are always competing for her attention or just long to bask in the presence of the first woman to finally say no to Jim Bob.

After all, that would go a long way to explaining why Jill and Jessa started wearing pants shortly after their younger sister blazed that trail.

Whatever the case, you can bet there will be a mad dash down to Laredo once Jinger welcomes her first child.

Watch Counting On online for more on reality TV’s most controversial family.


Tuesday, December 12, 2017

The Bachelor Fans Think They"ve Figured Out the Winner!

Arie Luyendyk Jr.’s  season of The Bachelor is nearly upon us. If you’ve been following The Bachelor Spoilers, you know how things are expected to end.

But some fans have a different theory, and it’s worth hearing out.

These fans are setting aside rumors and reports, and trying to figure out Arie Luyendyk Jr.’s choice by using math. They might be onto something.

We’ve already met all of the women competing for Arie Luyendyk Jr. on The Bachelor‘s 22nd season.

And while reports about the rumored winner sound reliable (we’ll get into that later), like a third of the fun of watching The Bachelor is trying to work out the winner for yourself.

(The messes, the feuds, the romances, the torn feelings, the hometown dates, the Bachelor Nation responses on Twitter, guessing who’ll make it to Bachelor in Paradise, figuring out who’s a hopeless romantic and who’s just there for branding, … there are a lot of fun things about this franchise, folks)

So, what are fans using to figure out the winner before the series even begins to air?


Because, as we’ve mentioned before, of the 29 contestants vying for Arie Luyendyk Jr.’s “heart,” 4 of them are named Lauren.


That’s about 14%. That’s absurd, even for a common name.

Anyway, they figure that the odds are pretty good that it’ll be one of the Laurens. But which one?

Let’s take a look.

Lauren Burnham is known officially as Lauren B.

If you already know Arie Luyendyk Jr.’s final four, you know that Lauren makes it that far.

It’s easy to see why — she’s gorgeous.

(And some superstitious folks think that every Lauren B. might be charmed, after Lauren Bushnell)

Lauren’s a 25-year-old who works in tech sales. And, while we’re being superstitious, she’s from Dallas. Dallas girls tend to make an impression with the Bachelor Nation.

But she’s only one of the Laurens.

Lauren G — Lauren Griffin — is a 25-year-old executive recruiter from L.A.

Now, smart money says that Arie Luyendyk Jr. hasn’t suddenly developed the heart of a Disney prince and a desire to fall in love for the entertainment of ABC’s viewers.

It’s widely believed that Arie’s just looking to build his brand, which is one of many factors that made the Bachelor Nation so bewildered when showrunners selected him to play the leading man.

(Yes, we are still talking about that)

So, if Arie’s looking to network, Lauren might be able to help him out a lot with that.

Unfortunately, there’s only so much that we know about the Laurens … so far.

Lauren Jarreau is 33, which isn’t “old” but it would make her closer to Arie Luyendyk Jr.’s age than her fellow Laurens, for sure.

Some think that perhaps Arie has had his fill of pretty young thangs and would be interested in a recent graduate of a Masters program who’s closer to his age.

(But, yeah, she’s not only the eldest Lauren but also the eldest contestant this season, which … will probably come up more times than she’d like)

Lauren J. didn’t have a job listed when ABC released everyone’s names and portraits. Which is fine — she just finished a Masters program — but might not be as exciting to Arie.

Lauren Schleyer is a 31-year-old social media manager from Dallas.

Yes, another Lauren from Dallas. In one season.

(Honestly, how did the higher ups at ABC not put their foot down?)

There are, for the record, also two “Britneys” (one Brittnay and one Brittane) and two “Rebeccas” (one being Becca and the other being Rebekah).

So … if you want to not get totally lost when the season airs, you might want to start memorizing names and faces now.

Now, we’ve already heard who wins Arie Luyendyk Jr. at the end of the season. While it’s a report, and reports can be wrong, many feel that Reality Steve getting sued is an indication that these reports are the real deal.

But you never know.
