Showing posts with label Fillers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fillers. Show all posts

Saturday, August 4, 2018

Kim Zolciak Shows Off INSANE New Lip Fillers!

OK, so Kim Zolciak loves to mess with her face, right?

You know it, we know it, everybody knows it.

She’s been getting lip fillers for several years now, and even though she looks like a completely different person than she did back in the day, she denies getting any other surgeries on her face.

Your nose just changes its entire shape as you age, apparently.

We don’t know why Kim’s always been so adament with her plastic surgery denials, but at least she’s always been open about pumping up her lips.

And it’s a good thing, because there’s simply no denying whatever it is that’s happening now.

We present Kim’s latest selfie:


The photo also features one of her children, precious little Kaia, and Kim tried to make the whole post about her.

“My heart hurts just thinking about this nugget starting Pre-K next week!!” she wrote in her caption.

She also tagged Kaia’s own Instagram account, because of course this four-year-old has her own account, and wrote “you light up our world!! Big Big Personality and lots of Sass.”

Which is sweet and all, but still … those lips.

Here’s another photo of them, just for good measure:

It’s too much, isn’t it?

Way, way too much.

And Kim’s followers agreed.

Many of them tried to be sweet about it, telling her things like “Kim you’re such a gorgeous woman you don’t need the lip fillers!!”

Others started off sweet before taking a turn, like the person that wrote “Kim, You are beautiful. But your top lip is not even looking human anymore.”

“Kim!!!! I love you!!” another person commented. “For the love of GAWD, quit with the mouth!!!!!!”

But some people just got straight to the point.

“It’s a caricature at this point,” one of those people said, and another asked “OMG! What have you done to your face.”

Now you look like you could belong on the E! show ‘Botched,"” someone pointed out. “You are overdoing it sis!”

For some extra real talk, one of Kim’s followers said “My lip hurts just looking at it. She’s so pretty she is, it looks like it’s about to burst.”

And it really does, doesn’t it?

One person commented on her lips in relation to her parenting, writing “You are deforming your face and what message does that send to your daughters.”

And one even called out her doctor, saying that he “should be ashamed” of himself for doing this to her.

But before you start to feel too bad for Kim over all this, don’t.

She’s been checking the comments and her feelings aren’t hurt!

When someone told her that she didn’t need that much filler in her lips, she replied “I love them for now.”

And when someone else said that looking like Kim does in these photos would be her “nightmare,” Kim responded with “don’t worry sweetie you don’t stand a chance to be as beautiful as me.”

It’s good she still has her confidence, at least!

Look, Kim really is gorgeous, and she always has been. No one’s ever denied that.

Up until now, she’s even worked the lip fillers, though they may have been a tad too much for some people’s tastes.

But this look she has going on now?

It’s just … it’s not good. It really, truly is not.


Monday, July 9, 2018

Kylie Jenner Ditches Lip Fillers, Stuns Social Media

Kylie Jenner is a brand new woman.

Actually, to be more accurate, we should say the following:

For the first time in a long time, Kylie Jenner is going back to old self.

In a move that has stunned a wide segment of the Internet, the 20-year old shared two photos on her Instagram page yesterday that featured her rocking a tight black dress and standing next to some friend named Stassie Karanikolaou.

As you can see above and below, Jenner is barely madeup in these images; she’s not even using any hair extensions.

She actually looks quite a bit younger, in our opinion, and we weren’t the only ones to think this apparently.

In response to a follower saying Jenner looked like the “old Kylie” in these snapshots, the relatively new mother explained why this is the case:

“I got rid of all my filler,” she wrote back.

kj comments

Jenner, of course, denied for years that she had done anything to her lips.

Despite rather clear photographic evidence to the contrary (they were just so darn plump!), Kylie insisted over and over when the topic was broached that every inch of her was all natural.

But then she finally made the confession in May of 2015, stating at the time that her “insecurity” led her to take the lip filler route.

We never judged her for this decision. We just got annoyed that she denied the obvious for such a long period of time.

On a subsequent Life of Kylie (LOL, remember that show?!?) episode, Jenner delved further into the topic.

“I was 15 and I was insecure about my lips … I [had] really small lips,” the star told a therapist on the show back then, adding that she “took it hard” when some guy told her she was a bad kisser.

That guy sounds like a loser.

Fast forward all these years and we’re glad Kylie has overcome this insecurity.

She doesn’t need to impress any new guys, of course, as she’s basically tethered to Travis Scott now that the two have had a baby together.

More good news?

In a recent video Q&A, Jenner said her daughter has NOT inherited this feature from her mother.

“She has the most perfect lips in the whole entire world. She didn’t get those from me,” Jenner happily told fans.

Kylie took a short break from sharing snapshots of her child this summer, not really explaining why at the time.

We assume she was sick and tired of trolls leaving rude comments, though.

Or she just figured her baby deserved some privacy.

But the young mother is back to posting pictures once again, much to the delight of her many millions of followers.

She’s also back to posing in a seductive manner on Instagram, as documented in the photo collection below:


Monday, December 18, 2017

Farrah Abraham: I Got Face Fillers Just in Time for My Strip Club Show!

In preparation for hosting a bash at a strip club, Farrah Abraham asked for a vajazzling kit and also some neon panties on top of her appearance fee, because of course she did.

But she"s also prepping for the show by getting dermal fillers, which is when they inject stuff under the skin of your face.

And, Farrah being Farrah, she"s posted a video, which you can see below. Fair warning: it"s not for the faint of heart.

Do you guys know what vajazzling is?

No, it is not the art of playing saxophone through your vagina, but honestly the word "jazz" is right there in the name so that"s a great guess.

Vajazzling is a portmanteau of "vagina" and "bedazzle," and refers to adhering crystal jewelry to your (shaved) pubic mound.

You know how sequins can look neat on, like, a prom dress or whatever?

It"s like that, except tiny crystals, and they"re all scattered around (well, above, mostly) somebody"s vulva.

Well, Farrah Abraham is hosting Crazy Horse III"s XXXMas Party in Vegas, which is very nearly peak Farrah Abraham.

And she asked for a vajazzling kit in preparation. But that"s not all that she"s doing to get ready.

In the video that you"ll see below, Farrah Abraham is getting dermal filler injections.

She uploaded the video with the caption:

"The best of the best in #lasvegas @flawlessvegas Melanie I so enjoyed my #sculptra & how quick it was! Ladies mention #Farrah for $ 50.00 OFF #LA #lasvegas call in to schedule"

In a normal world, where product endorsements or flagrant self-promotion were more conversational, Farrah would have just tweeted: Melanie did a great job giving me dermal fillers and I"m excited for my Vegas gig.

Instead, she has more hashtags than any one Instagram post could ever need, all in exchange for what we assume must have been a hefty discount (if not making it outright free or paying her) at the face-stabbing clinic she visited.

Wouldn"t it be weird if Farrah were fake-fired for doing sex work, only to be actually fired for lashing out at MTV and Viacom in a totally bonkers word salad?

Because she"s been doing a lot of that, biting the Teen Mom hand that fed her for most of the last decade.

And she"s been doubling down on her sex work, promoting her lingerie products and also 

Personally, we don"t understand why so many companies are enjoying partnering with her, but then, we don"t understand why Farrah masturbating on camera garnered so many views, either.

To be clear, there is absolutely nothing wrong with sex work. We don"t know how Farrah"s drama with MTV will ultimately end, but no one should be shamed for doing any form of sex work — least of all that which is legal.

Farrah has a whole host of actual bad qualities, including racist outbursts and using her young daughter"s Twitter account to promote porn.

There"s plenty to criticize without attacking sex work itself.

Farrah abraham topless in bed

As we mentioned, the video itself shows Farrah getting dermal fillers.

And … also like we said, it"s really not for the faint of heart.

First of all, it features blood and needles. There are people who pass out in the presence of either.

And second of all … well, you picture somebody"s face getting filled and it just makes you squirm. I"m not anti-cosmetic treatments or anything, but it"s weird for someone so young to undergo so many.

Still, compared to Farrah sharing her vaginal rejuvenation treatments, a few pokes in the face aren"t really a big deal.

If you"re up for blood and needles going into Farrah"s face, and if you"re curious about what dermal fillers are like, this is the video for you:

Farrah abraham i got face fillers just in time for my strip club

Monday, September 11, 2017

Kylie Jenner: Here"s Why I Decided to Get Lip Fillers ...

To say that Kylie Jenner has changed a bit over the past few years would be like saying this hurricane season has been a smidge inconvenient.

Kylie is vitrually unrecognizable from her younger years.

In some photos, she looks as though she’s been entirely rebuilt from scratch, like some sort of Millennial Six Million Dollar Man, which is a reference that maybe two or three of Kylie’s 98 million Instagram followers would get.

But we don’t say any of this to disparage Kylie.

The 20-year-old grew up in a family in which cosmetic rejiggering was not only accepted but encouraged, and all through her formative years, she watched her sisters amass increasing wealth and fame, due in large part to their appearances.

What teen could possibly resist following in those footsteps?

Of course, there’s also a less pleasant reason that Kylie may have been drawn to medically altering her appearance at such a young age.

Kylie may have watched her sisters rise to unimaginable heights of fame and success, but she als saw them brutally mocked and bullied on social media, and it was treatment she likely grew to fear from a young age.

It’s easy to jibe Kylie for the many obvious ways in which her face and body have changed due to fillers, implants, nips, and tucks (and we do wish she would be more honest about these procedures for the sake of her young fans), but she grew up under public scrutiny few of us could imagine.

These days, Kylie is the star of her own reality show, and she’s more under the spotlight than ever before.

Life of Kylie is not doing well in the ratings, and it’s been savaged by critics for its hagiographic, blandly superficial look at Kylie’s efforts to expand her cosmetics empire, but the show does feature occasional moments of real insight.

On this week’s episode, for example, Kylie opened up for the first time about what motivated her to undergo lip filler treatments when she was just 15 years old:

“I was 15 and I was insecure about my lips … I [had] really small lips,” she told a therapist on the show.

She went on to detail how a comment that followed her first kiss eventually led her to seek cosmetic treatment:

“It was like one of my first kisses and a guy was like, ‘I didn’t think you would be a good kisser because you have such small lips,"” Kylie said, adding that she “took that really hard.”

Kylie revealed she initially attempted to correct the problem with cosmetics:

“I would overline my lips with lip liner just to create the illusion of bigger lips,” she told the therapist, adding:

“Finally I was like, ‘This lip liner isn’t doing it."”

Yes, as so often the case with this sort of thing, Kylie’s pursuit of physical perfection is the result of deep-seated insecurity, exacerbated by a painful episode in adolescence.

We all go through an awkward phase at one point or another — but few of us, given Kylie’s resources, would be able to resist the temptation of a quick fix for our perceived imperfections.
