Showing posts with label Focuses. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Focuses. Show all posts

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Demi Lovato Cancels Tour, Focuses on Self-Healing

For reasons that are tragically obvious, Demi Lovato has officially canceled the remainder of her previously-scheduled tour.

Days after Lovato left Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles for a treatment facility, her team has confirmed that Demi will NOT be performing on September 20 and September 22 in Mexico.

She has also scrapped her six-city tour in Chile, Argentina and Brazil slated for November.

In response to these announcements, Live Nation and Lotus Productions have said they “wish Demi Lovato the best now and in the future and we hope to see her soon in South America.”

Refunds will be made available starting this Friday, August 10.

Lovato now has an open professional schedule for the rest of the year, but she doesn’t have any plans to release any new music or to reschedule these tour stops for any point in the near future.

As previously detailed, Lovato has entered rehab.

Those in her inner circle insisted as soon as she awoke from her overdose that Demi receive this help as far away from the bad influences in her life in California as possible.

Therefore, according to Radar Online, Lovato is currently receiving treatment in Arizona.

The website states that Demi has checked into an “elite rehab” in that state, although it has chosen to respect her privacy and not name the facility.

It does say, however, that this center “offers a variety of treatment options for patients who have a dual diagnosis of suffering from alcoholism and addiction, as well as mental-health issues.”

Lovato has voluntarily checked into this center, as well, meaning she technically could simply decide to leave at any point.

But insiders say she is respecting the wishes of her mother, Dianna, who has insisted that her daughter remain there for a minimum of 30 days — and then hire a sober coach for a minimum of one year afterward.

Says a source to Radar:

“Demi will have to FaceTime with her mother every day and she she also has to agree to take random drug tests at any given moment for the next several years.”

Sadly, it took her overdose for Lovato to finally start listening to her loved ones.

For weeks prior to this near-fatal incident, Demi had been surrounding herself with troubling influences who merely served to encourage her most dangerous impulses.

But now it does sound like Lovato understands she must distance herself from these non-real-friends.

As for her general state of mind at the moment?

This is a portion of what Lovato wrote in her only statement since nearly killing herself via an overdose:

I want to thank God for keeping me alive and well. To my fans, I am forever grateful for all of your love and support throughout this past week and beyond.

Your positive thoughts and prayers have helped me navigate through this difficult time.

I want to thank my family, my team, and the staff at Cedars-Sinai who have been by my side this entire time.

Without them I wouldn’t be here writing this letter to all of you.

I now need time to heal and focus on my sobriety and road to recovery. The love you have all shown me will never be forgotten and I look forward to the day where I can say I came out on the other side.

I will keep fighting.
