Showing posts with label Folly. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Folly. Show all posts

Friday, January 19, 2018

Prince William Debuts Shaved Head: Heads-Up Move or Follicle Folly?

With the world eagerly anticipating the Prince Harry-Meghan Markle wedding, that other royal couple has temporarily ceded the spotlight.

And it seems Prince William decided to take advantage of his time away from the spotlight by finally embracing the male pattern baldness that’s been colonizing his noggin since the pre-Kate era.

As you can see, William shaved his head before publicly meeting with military veterans who are working with Britain’s National Health Service.

Perhaps Will thought if he debuted his shiny dome at an event attended mostly by dudes with crew cuts, it wouldn’t be as noticeable.

But since nothing he does goes unnoticed, the British press immediately pounced.

Is the 35-year-old father of two embracing middle-age?

Is he simply trying out a new look before Harry and Meghan get married in May?

These were serious questions posed by actual publications for grownups.

As some royal obsessives have pointed out, this isn’t actually the first time that William has shaved his head.

Apparently, he busted out the royal razor in 2016, but didn’t leave his scalp quite this hairless.

William’s baldness has made him the butt of jokes for quite some time, with even his family roasting the prince for his Costanza cut.

One well-publicized incident took place will Will and Kate Middleton were visiting an alpaca farm back in 2014.

“The prince was interested in the alpaca, and as I showed it to them the princess said he should put it on his head,”  says Lyn Crejan, the farmer who showed the royal couple around.

“[Kate ]said, ‘You need it more than me,’ and pointed to his head and he laughed.”

Yes, times have certainly changed.

Just a few centuries ago, if you made fun of a prince’s head, yours would be in a basket by the end of the day.

In all seriousness, it’s nice to see Will just saying screw it and embrace his baldness.

Besides, it won’t be long before that head is covered by a crown, anyway.
