Showing posts with label Foxx's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Foxx's. Show all posts

Friday, September 15, 2017

Katie Holmes: PREGNANT With Jamie Foxx"s Baby?!

After several months of the couple trying and failing to keep their relationship on the down-low, we now know that Katie Holmes and Jamie Foxx are dating.

We still don’t know exactly how long the actors have been together, but it seems they’re moving very quickly.

Despite the fact that Foxx doesn’t even tell his friends about Holmes (The man is seriously committed to maintaining his privacy.), sources say the relationship is already very serious.

In fact, sources are now claiming that there’s a very good reason Holmes and Foxx decided to finally go public with their relationship last week.

According to Australian tabloid NW, Holmes and Foxx are expecting a child together.

Insiders tell the magazine that the pregnancy was planned, and Katie is roughly three months along.

“Katie had always wanted to have another baby and knew her biological clock was ticking – and, at long last, it’s happening!” says one source.

Noting that Holmes described the pregnancy as “perfect timing,” the insider adds:

“Katie’s always wanted a sibling for Suri and now she’ll have a little sister.”

We’ll hold off on offering out congratulations until the news comes from a source that’s slightly more credible than a random Austalian tabloid.

That said, we wouldn’t be surprised if it turns out there’s some truth to these reports.

After all, Katie and Jamie are both devoted parents, and sources close to the couple have confirmed they’re relationship is very serious.

Plus, after the experience of having a child with Tom Cruise, we imagine Katie would like to find out what child-rearing is like when you’re not under 24-hour surveillance from a cabal of cult leaders.

Just kidding, Scientologists! Please don’t sue us!

Anyway, sources say that in the years after her split from Cruise, Katie pretty much holed up and devoted herself thoroughly to being a mom.

These days, she’s loosening up a bit, and her loved ones credit Foxx with teaching her how to relax and have fun.

“She was a homebody,” says one insider.

“It’s great to see her out and having fun, and I bet Jamie has played a big part in that.”

Hopefully, the knowledge that everyone will now be scrutinizing her midsection in search of a baby bump won’t stop Katie from continuing to go out and enjoy herself.


Thursday, February 25, 2016

Katie Holmes: Having Jamie Foxx"s BABY?!?

Last month, we told you all about the secret engagement and secret wedding plans between secret couple Katie Holmes and Jamie Foxx.

And now, guess what? They’re planning a super-secret baby!

So says OK! magazine, which reports that the two just can’t wait for a bundle of joy.

“[Katie and Jamie] have been talking about a baby for months,” a source reportedly told the magazine. “They’re considering IVF if it doesn’t happen naturally.”

And why not? In-vitro fertilization is hot in the streets these days among the celeb crowd.

For example, Chrissy Teigen and John Legend turned to IVF when conceiving their baby (true story).

And Selena Gomez is considering IVF to conceive with Niall Horan’s sperm (fake story). 

An “insider” revealed that Katie has been boning up on her IVF knowledge by researching fertility doctors and talking to friends who used the procedure to conceive.

Katie and Jamie’s daughters, Suri, 10, and Annalise, 6 (who are total BFFs, natch), reportedly can’t wait for the couple to add a secret sibling to their brood. 

We here at THG aren’t sure why the tabloids keep pushing this fake couple, as both stars have denied rumors of any kind of romance many times.

But the way these stories keep coming, we’re certain they’ll have a secret baby, secret affairs, a secret divorce, a secret reconciliation and their secret kids will be graduating from Harvard in no time.