Showing posts with label Galavis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Galavis. Show all posts

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Juan Pablo Galavis: Might He Join The Bachelorette?!?

Brace yourselves, television viewers. 

You might not have seen the last of Juan Pablo Galavis.

On Monday night, Chris Harrison announced that JoJo Fletcher would star as the new Bachelorette this summer, prompting a bit of controversy because it had been reported that Caila Quinn had landed the job.

The scorned third-place Bachelor finisher is allegedly pissed that she was passed over for JoJo.

But Juan Pablo is very happy about it!

Not long after Harrison confirmed Fletcher as The Bachelorette, the star of The Bachelor Season 18 Tweeted the following:

“I have READ so MANY good things about JoJo in the past WEEKS that if she is the NEXT bachelorette, I MIGHT have to sign up AGAIN…”

Yes, Juan Pablo. We’re sure you’ve read many good things about JoJo.

We’re sure your reaction is not based on her appearance or anything…

Later, Juan Pablo pretty much admitted that his desire to stop by The Bachelorette was mostly based on superficial reasons.

“I am #TeamJoJo and I have only SEEN her in like 20 pictures on my TWITTER… #SheCute,” he wrote on Twitter.

Galavis, a former pro soccer player, competed for Desiree Hartsock’s final rose on The Bachelorette Season 9.

He proceeded to become the first Latino star of The Bachelor in the 2014 season, choosing Nikki Ferrell on the finale and yet not proposing to her.

The pair eventually broke up in October 2014.

Juan Pablo courted quite a bit of controversy during his run as The Bachelor, saying at one point that a gay Bachelor would not set a “good example for kids” and disrespecting suitor Andi Dorfman to the point that she left the show.

The guy sucks.

You can do so much better, JoJo.