Showing posts with label Geez. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Geez. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Kylie Jenner: My Hot Bodyguard is NOT My Stormi"s Dad, Geez!

Just 14 weeks ago, Kylie Jenner welcomed her baby girl. She and Travis Scott clearly love their daughter.

But some have called into question sweet little Stormi’s paternity. Most recently, fans have discussed the possibility that Kylie’s hot bodyguard is her real baby daddy.

But apparently Kylie thinks that this is ridiculous.

TMZ reports that Kylie Jenner is dismissing fan speculation that bodyguard Tim Chung is her baby daddy.

And Kylie is said to be very confident — because she’s never slept with Chung.

It’s kind of difficult to have an unplanned pregnancy with someone you’ve never boned. Unless there’s some sort of elaborate conspiracy at play, which it is pretty safe to say that there is not.

Kylie reportedly thinks that the claims are “BS,” but it doesn’t sound like they’re keeping her awake at night because, well, they’re not true.

Sometimes, the truth is boring.

Speculation first emerged as Kylie shared new Stormi photos.

Kylie, Travis, and Stormi celebrated Travis’ 26th birthday in Turks and Caicos.

Some fans began to wonder if Stormi resembled Travis all that much.

Curiosity turned to investigation, and one fan on Twitter put forward the suggestion that perhaps Stormi had been conceived by Kylie’s conspicuously handsome bodyguard, Tim Chung.

Fans latched onto facial features that they perceived to be similar, noting that they saw no such parallels with Travis.

Obviously, rumors like this crop up all of the time for celebrities.

But this could potentially hurt Tim Chung.

Being mentioned is probably great for his modeling work.

And we imagine that any of his LAPD colleagues would tease him at most.

But his work as a bodyguard could be threatened by an accusation of paternity, even if the rumor did not begin maliciously.

He could potentially lose out on bodyguard work.

Of course, Tim Chung isn’t the only man who’s been accused of fathering Stormi.

From the day that the news leaked, fans wondered if Tyga was Kylie’s baby daddy.

Unlike Chung, Tyga and Kylie had actually had sex. A lot.

And the two had been together so recently before she dated Travis Scott that Travis was widely considered to be her rebound.

Tyga, however, shot down those rumors.

He said that he had never claimed paternity of Kylie’s baby and stressed that he was not the father.

Tyga also implored people to not fabricate stories about him.

The more that we learn about Tim Chung, the more that we’re glad that this rumor made more people aware of him.

The guy absolutely deserves to have his modeling career take off.

And Kylie’s fans are crushing on him, big time — which is probably why so many of them were so eager to imagine that she would have hooked up with him.

But remember, folks, that Kylie dated the much-older Tyga at 17. She got pregnant at 19 and became a mother at 20. Kylie doesn’t always make decisions like everyone else.

So projecting your thirst onto a celebrity who doesn’t think like you do is probably not going to lead you to the truth.

Like we said: sometimes, the truth is boring.
