Showing posts with label Getaways. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Getaways. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Abby Lee Miller: How Many Getaways Does She Have Planned Before Sentencing?

How long will Abby Lee Miller spend in jail?

That’s a question that has got the internet talking. 

The Dance Moms star pled guilty to bankruptcy fraud on June 27 and is expected to be sentenced on October 11. 

It’s unclear just how long she will spend in the slammer, but there is word that it could be 24-30 months. 

There are also reports that her attorneys are trying to get the star a maximum of six months inside. 

That’s not a whole lot of time. Right?!

You’d think that hiding income and concealing assets would secure a longer stretch inside than six months.

Now, it appears that Miller has come to terms with the fact that she will go to jail. 

Her plan in the meantime is clearly to make every day matter before she goes. 

There’s now word that she will go on TEN getaways this summer. 

Does she think she’s going away for five years, or something?

Ten is a huge number of getaways for anyone, but it’s unclear just how much of these will be for work. 

The getaways are all within the United States, so it’s not as if they’re long haul. 

Abby’s fate on Dance Moms is still very much up in the air at this stage. 

Will she continue with the show, or will she move on when she gets out of prison?

If you watch Dance Moms online, you probably already know that Abby had a lot of controversial scenes this year. 

What do you think about her getaways?

Hit the comments below!