Showing posts with label Hasten. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hasten. Show all posts

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Kid Rock to Run For Senate, Hasten Apocalypse?

You may remember Kid Rock as the human meth lab who penned such memorable lyrics as “bawitdaba, da bang, da dang diggy diggy, diggy, said the boogie, said up jump the boogie,” but it turns out, he’s also capable of being really dumb and annoying.

Mr. Rock is a big supporter of Herr Cheeto Face, to the point that he sells idiotic Trump t-shirts on his website.

Now, it seems the Detroit rapper turned Southern country crooner is looking at his buddy’s success and thinking that if Trump can ride a wave of white rage to the top of the political food chain, why can’t the Early Morning Stoned Pimp?

Yes, according to Billboard, Rock is considering throwing his greasy fedora into the ring and entering the race for Michigan Democrat Debbie Stabenow’s Senate seat next year. 

Normally we’d say recently waging a public battle to defend  your right to throw around gay slurs would be a dealbreaker, but this is 2017 we’re talking about!

Our current president said about 47,000 things that would have derailed any political campaign in history 

These days, he’s wrapped up in a scandal that combines the inter-party meddling of Watergate and the clandestine collusion with a hostile foreign powers of Iran-Contra, and his followers are still complaining that libtard snowflakes won’t give him a chance.

It’s a great time to be a washed-up throwback from a bygone decade with political aspirations.

At this point, no one knows how serious Kid is about becoming Senator Rock, but Billboard confirms that his name is being thrown around by Republican leadership in Michigan.

Rock has been a die-hard Republican for several years and he supported Mitt Romney’s unsuccessful presidential campaign in 2012.

However, like Trump, Rock has demonstrated a willingness to break with the party establishment.

In 2013, the singer stated that he was “embarrassed to be a Republican” as a result of legislation that … resulted in higher concert ticket prices.

Okay, it’s not much, but we guess if he’s trying to secure himself one of those sought-after “maverick” reputations, it’s a start.

Now, all Kid needs is a foreign dictator to back his campaign, and he could really be in business.

We hear Kim Jong-Un is looking to get into American politician market.
