Showing posts with label Hickey. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hickey. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Girl Gives Boy Hickey, Boy Dies

If parents of teenagers are looking for a cautionary tale, then this one should do the trick.

17-year-old Julio Macias Gonzalez from Mexico City passed away back in July from a stroke possibly caused by a hickey given to him by his 24-year-old girlfriend.

The Independent reports that Gonzalez started having convulsions during a family dinner, then died.  

The girlfriend is in hiding because his family didn’t approve of the age difference in their relationship, but Gonzalez refused to break up with her.

Apparently the girlfriend sucked so hard on Gonzalez’s neck that it caused a blot clot that traveled to his brain, causing the stroke.  

Now, the poor thing is probably on the town’s most-wanted list for “Death By Forbidden Love.”

Historically, hickeys have only caused bruises or red marks to the skin (and of course, a bit of bashfulness after the fact), but there have been a few reports of more serious incidents.

The Huffington Post cited a 2011 case that was written up in the New Zealand Medical journal about a 44-year-old woman who had to be hospitalized after “losing movement under her arm.”

It took doctors awhile to determine what happened, but only after they noticed a bruise on her neck.

At that point, they were able to figure out that the person responsible for the hickey sucked on a major artery, which then created a blood clot that went to her heart, causing a minor stroke.

Fortunately, the woman survived.

Dr Teddy Wu of Auckland’s Middlemore Hospital wrote the report after treating the woman, and stated that to his knowledge ” it’s the first time someone has been hospitalised by a hickey.”

PS – A hickey is internationally known as a “love bite.”

So, children, the next time your lover wants to sneak off for a make-out session, just keep things above the chin.

Friday, June 10, 2016

Olivia Mitnick: Cleveland Cavaliers Cheerleader Sports Big Ole" Hickey From Justin Bieber

June 8th was full of highs and lows for Justin Bieber.

After watching the Cleveland Cavaliers beat the Golden State Warriors in Game 3 of the NBA finals, Les Biebs found himself looking for lust, and looking for trouble.

The bad news is that he was roughed up by a displeased fan.

The good news is that he gave a Cleveland Cavaliers cheerleader a hickey!

Mitnick, who reportedly “just” broke up with her firefighter boyfriend, painted the town red with Bieber post-game.

“All the team’s dancers were invited out in fact by Justin. They politely turned him down,” a source told Hollywood Life.

“Olivia wasn’t working that night but she suddenly had a ticket to the game. Everyone was really surprised to see pics of her out with Justin later after the game.

“The next day, her friends say she was showing off a nice sized hickey on her neck. So it looks like she had a fun night.”

@officialbiebernews posted a photo of Bieber out with Mitnick (below), who was wearing the same outfit (black leather jacket, brown dress) in the picture above.

Sources told the site that she and Bieber drank champagne at a club, and later left together.

“He seemed happy and it didn’t appear like he was upset about anything,” another source told the site.

“He was in a great mood. He was with a few friends. Everyone was dancing and having a fun time. This is where all the celebrities and players come.”

Bieber “sweetly escorted” the cheerleader through the mobs of people and “had his hands place on her shoulders” as they made their exit.

Then, they got in the car and….hickey happened.

Mitnick hails from Macedonia, Ohio, and according to the Cavaliers’ website, is considered a “rookie” on the squad.  Her favorite movie character is Elle Woods from Legally Blond, but her favorite movie is Girl, Interrupted.  

Her celebrity crush is James Franco, and the five words that best describe her are sassy, caring, unique, charismatic and elegant.