Showing posts with label Impersonated. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Impersonated. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Melania Trump: Impersonated? The Internet Thinks So

Melania-gate? Fake Melania? Melania-a-lago?

As if the Trump Administration doesn"t have countless real scandals dogging its heels, observant internet denizens have added another to the pile.

Brought about by a video in which Melania Trump doesn"t quite look like herself, various people within the Twittersphere express doubts — some jokingly, others seriously — about the veracity of the woman standing beside her husband as he speaks.

And, well, some folks think that the Trump Administration might have trotted out a Melania impersonator instead of the real deal and just hoped that the American public wouldn"t notice.

As you"ll see in the video below, there"s something that"s definitely off. We are not saying that the theory that a stand-in filled in for her is true, but if you watch the video, you"ll see why some people were left scratching their heads.

The hair looks dry where Melania"s hair usually looks sleek, glossy, and healthy. The sunglasses are so dark and large that most of her face is completely obscured. And there"s something, maybe just lighting and makeup, distinctly different around Melania"s mouth.

Normally, the absurdity of the theory would be enough that people wouldn"t even pay attention. After all, the White House would have everything to lose and basically nothing to gain by trotting out a Fake Melania.

But, as so many people have pointed out: this is the Trump White House. It doesn"t have to make sense. This administration"s history of total fabrications make even the most ridiculous conspiracy theories sound almost plausible.

Even if we don"t quite believe that the video below shows a Fake Melania, we have to admit that the nagging doubt is probably going to keep us up at night.

Take a look at what Twitter thad to say on the subject:

1. Melania Trump … or Not?

Melania trump first lady impersonator conspiracy erupts

This was the video of Melania-or-Not-Melania that was uploaded to Twitter. Honestly, watch it enough and you might start to see where these people are coming from … even if you don’t agree with them.

2. The tweet that started it all

Melania 01

We feel like this was tongue-in-cheek, as one hardly has to look for secret duplicate First Ladies to find lies in the Trump Administration. There are new ones every day. It’s well-documented.

3. The conspiracy theory caught on

Melania 02

By Wednesday afternoon, “Melania” was the #1 trending topic … and not for reasons that would likely make her happy.

4. This comparison isn’t super nice.

Melania 03

Really, it’s around the mouth where she looks the most different, right? Also her hair.

5. This sort of harmless conspiracy theory can really hook you

Melania 04

Kris Jenner memes show up more than once.

6. Another less kind comparison

Melania 05

Surely we can analyze the appearance of Melania-Or-Is-She without insults. Not sure if this is an insult to MJ or MT, but either way, let’s cut it out.

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