Showing posts with label Implied. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Implied. Show all posts

Monday, October 8, 2018

Kylie Jenner Just Implied That She May Be Married to Travis Scott

Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott may have pulled one over on a distracted public.

While most of the free world has been wondering for weeks whether or not Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin are husband and wife, Jenner jumped on Instagram over the weekend and hinted that she actually might be married to her rapper of a baby daddy.

Like, she strongly hinted.

Some might say Kylie came right out and made the announcement.

We’re simply not sure what to make of a photo and very basic message that Jenner left on her social media page in response to Scott performing as the musical guest on Saturday Night Live.

Sharing a picture of her man from the show, along with a few happy/heart emojis, Kylie penned a single word that has all of the Internet buzzing:


Yes, that would be a shorter version of the word husband.

her hubby

Yes, this would seem to imply that Kylie and Travis exchanged legal vows at some point in the recent past.

Kylie could, of course, just be messing with everyone.

She had to know the response such a post woud generate.

For whatever it’s worth, she followed up this picture and caption with another picture from the same performance and a drooling emoji face.

So regardless of whether or not Jenner is wed to Scott, she definitely finds him attractive.

drool over scott

Elsewhere, Jenner made other Scott-related headlines this weekend during a Snapchat Q&A with her best friend Jordyn Woods.

“Am I going to have another baby? I want another baby but, ‘When?’ is the question and I’m definitely not ready right this second,” Kylie said, for understandable reasons.

Little Stormi only just turned eight months old, after all.

“Have I thought of baby names for my next baby? I have, but I haven’t found anything that I ‘love’ love,” she continued.

Bucking the trend of those who prefer one of each gender, Jenner then confessed that she wants a sister for Stormi, telling her followers:

“I definitely want another girl, hopefully, and I want her to have a really feminine name.”

Would she have this second daughter with Scott?

It stands to reason, right? Especially if they really are married?

For such a famous couple, the reality star and the rapper actually keep their relationship pretty quiet. They don’t go around gushing about each other or sharing many public displays of affection.

This could mean they value their privacy or it could mean they aren’t really in love; they are just staying together for the good of their child and/or for PR reasons.

We really don’t know for sure.

But this much we can confirm: Stormi Webster is a cutie!


Monday, December 11, 2017

Matt Roloff: Under Fire for Smoking, Implied Donald Trump Support

Matt Roloff really just wants to have a merry Christmas.

The Little People, Big World star has made this clear via some cute Instagram photos with his grandkids of late.

But the Roloff patriarch is likely unable to sit back, relax and drink his eggnog at the moment, considering some of the negative comments coming his way on social media.

They started after Matt tried to make a simple joke on Facebook.

Not exactly known for being an especially tough or controversial fella, Roloff jokingly went against type by sharing the photo below and writing as a caption:

“Occasionally… I put my bad boy on!”

As you can see, the long-time reality star is rocking dark sunglasses, a black shirt and a fake tattoo sleeve.

He’s also scowling — and smoking?!?

A handful of comments in response to the photo have focused on the cigar in Roloff’s mouth, with some fans wondering if he’s endangering his small grandchildren, Jackson and Ember.

There’s an ongoing debate taking place within the Comments section regarding whether Matt smokes; whether he would smoke around kids; and whether this is all just a joke.

“I would doubt very much that Matt would smoke around them babies,” one fan said. “Plus the parents I guarantee wouldn’t stand for that.”

Another supporter cut even straighter to the heart of the issue, writing:

“None of you can take a joke. Grow the [heck] up.”

We agree with both these takes.

There’s no evidence Matt smokes, no reason to believe he would do anything to place his loved ones in danger…and even less of a reason to think this is anything but a funny gag.

The second new controversy surrounding Roloff also centers on his Facebook page.

Not typically one to wade into political waters, Matt shared a link on his account last week to a Fox News article titled “Trump, Mattis turn military loose on ISIS, leaving caliphate in tatters.”

He described the article as “most interesting.”

Many of his fans, however, reacted quite differently to the unexpected sharing.

They interpreted his promotion of Fox News as support for President Trump, which is just about as sensitive of a topic as there is in America right now.

Roloff, who says he’s been to Iraq on three occasions, sparred a bit with critics who left harsh comments.

“Forget about the Fox News article that happens to give Trump credit,” he wrote at one point, adding:

“What about the undisputed facts? Iraq seems to be getting their country back… at least for now.”

Matt Roloff responses

Roloff later asked everyone to please keep their feelings “civil and clean,” while also linking to other article on ISIS and the Middle East.

It’s unlike the Roloff to share anything that doesn’t focus on their faith or their family, but outspoken Jacob is probably the one exception.

He once slammed Trump on Twitter, calling him a “total clown” and blasting him for “sputtering out of relevance, and business.”

We highly doubt Matt will follow suit again here.

We’re guessing he sticks to photos of Jackson and Ember going forward.
