Showing posts with label Imploding. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Imploding. Show all posts

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Kim Kardashian: Paranoid, Imploding on Twitter After Robbery

Kim Kardashian is all broken up about her Paris robbery assault, and returned to Twitter on Wednesday night to unfollow a bunch of users. 

Kardashian’s Twitter isn’t the only thing imploding around her – it’s apparent that her mental health is deteriorating, too. 

Last night, Kim unfollowed 13 – ooh, scary, unlucky number! – people that she’d previously followed.

In her return to Twitter, however – the first time she was active on the platform since the robbery – had nothing to say to her followers, all who wished her well. 

It would appear that she doesn’t have many allies – or friends – on the network anyway, as most of those she follows are fan pages designed around the Kardashians and their brand.  

The only notable, verified celebrities that she currently keeps up with are her family, Chrissy Teigen, John Legend, Gigi Hadid, Sam Smith, Cara Delevingne, and Jaden Smith.

Others on the dwindling list include John Edward – yes, the psychic – Pharrell, Oprah, Demi Lovato, Bar Refaeli, Christina Aguilera, and Jonathan Cheban.

… If you want to consider that last one “notable.” 

E! also reports that Kim is undergoing intensive therapy to cope with the aftermath of her terrifying experience, and to us, it sounds like she’s going a little too far with the emotions on this one. 

A home invasion isn’t easy for anybody, but unfortunately, there’s far worse things that a person can endure and wouldn’t need counseling for post-traumatic stress disorder. 

The source said, “Kim is doing better, but she still has a long way to recover from the robbery.”

“She has been receiving some professional counseling,” the source added.

“Her friends and family have been really supportive, [and] her sisters and mom have been checking on her every day.”

The source also claims that Kim’s using her children as a shield against freakouts. 

“Being around her children is the biggest distraction for [Kim’s] mind,” the source revealed. “North West is aware her mom is sad and not herself, but Kanye and Kim are trying not to talk about it around her.” 

To be fair, it’s not likely that a child at the age of three is very attuned to what a robbery is.

… Especially considering she wasn’t even there when her mother was reportedly tied, gagged, and thrown into a bathtub while thieves raided her Paris apartment. 

It shouldn’t be too hard not to let North know that things aren’t what they’re supposed to be, but we are talking about the Queen of Drama herself. 

It sure sounds like Kim’s going off the deep end with this robbery – whether it’s the real deal or an epic fake-out of a heist.

If you know anything at all about the Kardashians, it’s that they’ll milk any opportunity for fame or pity until there’s not a drop of life-sustaining force left.  
