Showing posts with label Paranoid. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Paranoid. Show all posts

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Kim Kardashian: Paranoid and Scared in Keeping Up with the Kardashians Trailer!

Great news, lovers of Kardashians and/or unnecessarily dramatic trashy reality shows!

In just one short month, a brand new season of Keeping Up with the Kardashians will premiere!

Yes, on March 5th, we"ll gain access to a whole new chapter of the Kardashians" lives — and oh, what a chapter it will be!

This new season will likely focus on Kim healing from the trauma she suffered when she was robbed at gunpoint in Paris, as well as the continued "will they or won"t they?" relationship between Kourtney and Scott.

Rob Kardashian may make an appearance or two as well, but we wouldn"t count on seeing Blac Chyna.

And we know every single bit of that information from the KUWTK trailer that just dropped!


In the trailer, Kim wearing not even one stitch of makeup, urges her family to employ security guards to stand outside each of their homes, all day, everyday.

A little paranoid, sure, but can you blame her?

We also hear Scott talking about Kourtney, saying "I"ll never be over her, she"s the love of my life." According to Khloe, those two indecisive lovebirds even shared a kiss!

All this was, of course, before his latest bender.

See Kim, Kourtney, and the rest in the video below:

Kim kardashian paranoid and scared in keeping up with the kardas

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Kanye West: Paranoid and Still Hospitalized

Kanye West … well, he’s had better weeks.

And yes, that’s a mighty big understatement.

On Monday afternoon, he was taken to a Los Angeles hospital after his personal physician called 911 and told the dispatcher that he “suffers from temporary psychosis due to sleep deprivation and dehydration.”

Kanye’s doctor also said that when police arrived, he’d likely become violent — he even allegedly tried to attack someone before being handcuffed to a gurney and transported to the hospital.

At the time, Kanye’s rep said that he was “just exhausted,” and “he’s a notorious workaholic,” so between working on his fashion lines and touring, “it really wore him out.”

Pro tip: whenever a celebrity is “hospitalized for exhaustion,” a good, long side-eye is typically called for.

And it looks like Kanye is no exception.

According to a new report from TMZ, Kanye’s problems are “way worse” than exhaustion.

He is reportedly “paranoid and profoundly depressed,” and “he’s been dealing with these issues for a long time.”

It makes sense: people like to joke about Kanye and his antics, but there have been quite a few times when there has seemed to be more than just his massive ego behind his outbursts.

Take, for instance, the way he called Jay Z out in a concert last month, and again last week.

In those rants, he sounded deeply hurt that Jay wasn’t as good a friend to him as he wanted him to be — Kanye begged him to call him, to come see him, to act “like we’re brothers.”

Last week, he even said “Jay Z, I know you got killers, please don’t send them at my head.”

He also said “I been sent here to give y’all my truth, even at the risk of my own life, even at the risk of my own success, my own career.”

If that’s not paranoia, then who knows what is?

When Kanye was taken to the hospital on Monday, sources say he was so paranoid that “he was convinced people were out to get him, including the doctors who were caring for him.”

“For a time he wouldn’t even let the doctors touch him.”

Ideally, Kanye will be able to go home Monday and receive treatment from his own doctor, but there’s no guarantee he’ll be well enough to do that.

Additionally, we’re learning that Kanye’s mental state is so bad that those 21 concerts he canceled earlier this week?

His insurance policy will almost surely take care of the massive cost, since the cancelations were “due to illness.”

Get well soon, Kanye.


Thursday, October 13, 2016

Kim Kardashian: Paranoid, Imploding on Twitter After Robbery

Kim Kardashian is all broken up about her Paris robbery assault, and returned to Twitter on Wednesday night to unfollow a bunch of users. 

Kardashian’s Twitter isn’t the only thing imploding around her – it’s apparent that her mental health is deteriorating, too. 

Last night, Kim unfollowed 13 – ooh, scary, unlucky number! – people that she’d previously followed.

In her return to Twitter, however – the first time she was active on the platform since the robbery – had nothing to say to her followers, all who wished her well. 

It would appear that she doesn’t have many allies – or friends – on the network anyway, as most of those she follows are fan pages designed around the Kardashians and their brand.  

The only notable, verified celebrities that she currently keeps up with are her family, Chrissy Teigen, John Legend, Gigi Hadid, Sam Smith, Cara Delevingne, and Jaden Smith.

Others on the dwindling list include John Edward – yes, the psychic – Pharrell, Oprah, Demi Lovato, Bar Refaeli, Christina Aguilera, and Jonathan Cheban.

… If you want to consider that last one “notable.” 

E! also reports that Kim is undergoing intensive therapy to cope with the aftermath of her terrifying experience, and to us, it sounds like she’s going a little too far with the emotions on this one. 

A home invasion isn’t easy for anybody, but unfortunately, there’s far worse things that a person can endure and wouldn’t need counseling for post-traumatic stress disorder. 

The source said, “Kim is doing better, but she still has a long way to recover from the robbery.”

“She has been receiving some professional counseling,” the source added.

“Her friends and family have been really supportive, [and] her sisters and mom have been checking on her every day.”

The source also claims that Kim’s using her children as a shield against freakouts. 

“Being around her children is the biggest distraction for [Kim’s] mind,” the source revealed. “North West is aware her mom is sad and not herself, but Kanye and Kim are trying not to talk about it around her.” 

To be fair, it’s not likely that a child at the age of three is very attuned to what a robbery is.

… Especially considering she wasn’t even there when her mother was reportedly tied, gagged, and thrown into a bathtub while thieves raided her Paris apartment. 

It shouldn’t be too hard not to let North know that things aren’t what they’re supposed to be, but we are talking about the Queen of Drama herself. 

It sure sounds like Kim’s going off the deep end with this robbery – whether it’s the real deal or an epic fake-out of a heist.

If you know anything at all about the Kardashians, it’s that they’ll milk any opportunity for fame or pity until there’s not a drop of life-sustaining force left.  


Monday, December 14, 2015

Michael Cavallari: Dangerously Paranoid, Drinking Heavily in Days Before Death

Last week, police found the body of Michael Cavallari – the brother of reality star Kristin Cavallari – in a remote desert in Utah.

Cavallari had been reported missing almost two weeks prior, and family and friends began to fear the worst after investigators found his car abandoned by the side of a highway with the motor still running.

According to a coroner’s report obtained by TMZ, Cavallari died from exposure to the elements. (Temperatures in the that part of Utah dipped into the teens several times in the days after the 30-year-old left his car.)

But while the cause of death has been determined, many questions remain about the series of events that led up to Cavallari’s disappearance.

Just before he fled Los Angeles, Cavallari was arrested for allegedly threatening a woman with a gun.

Now, his friends and neighbors tell Radar Online that Cavallari’s troubling behavior didn’t end there.

“I remember a few times we’d see him ranting in the back yard, shouting that the CIA was coming to get him,” says a man who lived near Michael in the housing complex owned by Cavallari’s father.

“He seemed paranoid, completely out of it.”

Another tenant remembers Cavallari’s seemingly constant drinking and hair-trigger temper:

“Michael would come over early in the morning, around 7am, and ask me if I wanted to drink a beer with him, which was a little odd,” the man says. “When I refused he’d get mad.”

Sadly, those who were closest to Cavallari confirm that he struggled with drugs and alcohol throughout his short life.

He briefly moved to Las Vegas to try to escape his demons in 2014, but returned to Southern California earlier this year.

Sources say Cavallari was kicked out of the rental property owned by his father just days before his disappearance.