Showing posts with label Invented. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Invented. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Kylie Jenner Claims to Have Invented Wigs

Kylie Jenner has some interesting things to say in the latest issue of Marie Claire.

First, as previously documented, the 18-year old claims she hates posing for sexy selfies.

This was unexpected to hear because all Kylie Jenner does is pose for sexy selfies and we’re pretty sure she could simply stop doing so if she desired.

Next, Jenner told the magazine that she basically came up with the whole idea of wearing wigs, no matter what George Washington or any of the Founding Fathers might tell you.

“I started wigs, and now everyone is wearing wigs,” she said. “[Kim Kardashian] just used my wig guy last night.”

Ever humble, Kylie added:

“I just do whatever I want to do, and people will follow.”

This is sadly not too off base, considering people actually are buying the Kylie Jenner Lip Kit for reasons that defy comprehension.

As you might expect, the Internet jumped all over Kylie’s wig comment, reacting with a mixture of humor, confusion and anger.

“You heard it here first guys Kylie Jenner invented wigs,” one person joked on Twitter, while another quipped:

“kylie jenner started wigs and i started checkered vans #impact.”

Yet another user wrote that “the only way @KylieJenner started wigs would be if she mastered time travel. And that’s a pretty hard argument to make,” while yet another jumped in with:

“honeeeeey if kylie jenner started wigs no one would be wearing them lol.”

Sigh. How we wish that second part were true.