Showing posts with label Wigs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wigs. Show all posts

Friday, August 19, 2016

Keira Knightley Wears Wigs, And It"s All Hollywood"s Fault!

Keira Knightley’s follicles have been through hell for movie roles, so much so that she now wears wigs.

Knightley doesn’t mind though, she assured UK’s InStyle.

When asked about the biggest risk she’s taken with her looks, Knightley didn’t hesitate with her answer.

“I have dyed my hair virtually every colour imaginable for different films,” she said.

“It got so bad that my hair literally began to fall out of my head! So for the past five years I’ve used wigs, which is the greatest thing that’s ever happened to my hair.”

Knightley is most well known for her period dramas, and of course, the Pirates of the Caribbean films, all of which required the British actress to take on different looks.

The good news is that the birth of her daughter, Edie in May 2015, brought a special gift.


“I have naturally crazy, curly hair, and since I’ve had the baby it’s become 10 times thicker,” Knightley said.

“So now I’ve been finding quite a lot of dreadlocks.

Tangle Teezer is the only thing that works for detangling my dreadlocks. It gets rid of the kinks without snagging my hair out. I also use conditioner every two or three days. 

“My skin has also become significantly drier with age, so I moisturise and I try to drink as much water as possible,” she continued.

“Aside from that, my teeth are always brushed, and I use lip balm.

“My new approach is, ‘Do what you can remember, and don’t worry about it too much."”

Shockingly, Knightley’s porcelain skin wasn’t always so perfect.

“I didn’t do anything with my skin until I started getting acne, at which point I did everything possible to get rid of it,” Knightley recalled.

“I tried a million products, but none of them worked. I had bad skin up until I was 25. I later learned that it was more about diet and hormonal changes.”

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Kylie Jenner Claims to Have Invented Wigs

Kylie Jenner has some interesting things to say in the latest issue of Marie Claire.

First, as previously documented, the 18-year old claims she hates posing for sexy selfies.

This was unexpected to hear because all Kylie Jenner does is pose for sexy selfies and we’re pretty sure she could simply stop doing so if she desired.

Next, Jenner told the magazine that she basically came up with the whole idea of wearing wigs, no matter what George Washington or any of the Founding Fathers might tell you.

“I started wigs, and now everyone is wearing wigs,” she said. “[Kim Kardashian] just used my wig guy last night.”

Ever humble, Kylie added:

“I just do whatever I want to do, and people will follow.”

This is sadly not too off base, considering people actually are buying the Kylie Jenner Lip Kit for reasons that defy comprehension.

As you might expect, the Internet jumped all over Kylie’s wig comment, reacting with a mixture of humor, confusion and anger.

“You heard it here first guys Kylie Jenner invented wigs,” one person joked on Twitter, while another quipped:

“kylie jenner started wigs and i started checkered vans #impact.”

Yet another user wrote that “the only way @KylieJenner started wigs would be if she mastered time travel. And that’s a pretty hard argument to make,” while yet another jumped in with:

“honeeeeey if kylie jenner started wigs no one would be wearing them lol.”

Sigh. How we wish that second part were true.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Kylie Jenner Wigs Out for Paper Magazine

For once in her life, Kylie Jenner is NOT making like Kim Kardashian.

The 18-year old reality star is featured in the latest issue of Paper Magazine, striking a handful of interesting and sultry poses… but doing so while remaining completely clothed.

This, of course, was not the case in November of 2014 when Kardashian posed fully nude for the same publication.

In the photos featured here, which were first posted by Us Weekly, Jenner is featured in the pages of Paper’s YOUth! issue.

As you can see above, Kylie is rocking a short blue wig for one image, while she goes with a fierce red bob in another… while showcasing her impressive body in a pink velvet one-piece.

“Paper has had a long relationship with the Kardashian/Jenner family. When we were putting together our issue focused on YOUth, Kylie was the obvious choice for the cover,” Drew Elliott, chief creative officer of Paper, tells Us Weekly.

“She lives the ultimate life of a young person and she shares it with us every day.”

Mickey Boardman, Paper’s editorial director, has dubbed Kylie the “superstar of her generation,” which places a lot of responsibility of the teenager’s shoulders.

But she says she can handle it.

“Growing up and being a young teen socialite comes with a lot of negativity and a lot of mean comments and online bullying,” she tells the magazine.

“I turn to these people who have real issues and have overcome bullying and done something amazing with it and they really inspire me. They make me feel like, ‘Oh wow, they’re going through something much bigger than I could ever imagine.’

“It’s just amazing how they stay positive and I wanted to share that with my fans and followers.”

Monday, September 14, 2015

Amber Rose Wigs Out, Looks Nothing Like Amber Rose

Wow. We have a new entry in our collection of radical celebration transformations that must be seen to be believed.

Amber Rose shared an Instagram photo of herself over the weekend that, quite simply, looks nothing at all like any Amber Rose photo we’ve seen in the past.

It’s amazing what some serious hair extensions can do, huh?

Considering her plump lips, many are actually comparing Rose in this picture to Kylie Jenner… but we somehow doubt Amber used that 18-year old as inspiration.

See, Rose is good friends with Blac Chyna, who is in a never-ending feud with Kylie and Tyga due to her romantic past with the rapper.

Moreover, Rose herself has been known to get into it with the Kardashians, having incurred the wrath of Khloe Kardashian many months ago when she slammed Tyga for dating a woman as young as Kylie.

“so sick of these plastic a** hoes bullying ppl cuz they got the media outlets on payroll,” Rose Tweeted of the Kardashians in February.

Amber did, however, tell E! News in July that she was done fighting with members of that famous family. She just wants peace.

“I want to just end all – it’s hard for me to be a feminist and still have those loose ends,” she said of the feud. “I really don’t want argue with those girls. It’s not that serious to me.”

So perhaps this is some kind of homage to Kylie? Some kind of olive branch?

Nah. You’re right. It’s probably not.