Monday, September 14, 2015

Amber Rose Wigs Out, Looks Nothing Like Amber Rose

Wow. We have a new entry in our collection of radical celebration transformations that must be seen to be believed.

Amber Rose shared an Instagram photo of herself over the weekend that, quite simply, looks nothing at all like any Amber Rose photo we’ve seen in the past.

It’s amazing what some serious hair extensions can do, huh?

Considering her plump lips, many are actually comparing Rose in this picture to Kylie Jenner… but we somehow doubt Amber used that 18-year old as inspiration.

See, Rose is good friends with Blac Chyna, who is in a never-ending feud with Kylie and Tyga due to her romantic past with the rapper.

Moreover, Rose herself has been known to get into it with the Kardashians, having incurred the wrath of Khloe Kardashian many months ago when she slammed Tyga for dating a woman as young as Kylie.

“so sick of these plastic a** hoes bullying ppl cuz they got the media outlets on payroll,” Rose Tweeted of the Kardashians in February.

Amber did, however, tell E! News in July that she was done fighting with members of that famous family. She just wants peace.

“I want to just end all – it’s hard for me to be a feminist and still have those loose ends,” she said of the feud. “I really don’t want argue with those girls. It’s not that serious to me.”

So perhaps this is some kind of homage to Kylie? Some kind of olive branch?

Nah. You’re right. It’s probably not.