Showing posts with label Jayde. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jayde. Show all posts

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Playmate Jayde Nicole Frees Her Nipples In Defense of Florida Teen

Former Playmate Jayde Nicole doesn’t think it’s fair that men can show their nipples and women can’t in public, and thinks it’s time to once and for all free the nipple … which she did twice for our camera guy.  We got Brody Jenner’s ex-gf…


Playmate Jayde Nicole Frees Her Nipples In Defense of Florida Teen

Former Playmate Jayde Nicole doesn’t think it’s fair that men can show their nipples and women can’t in public, and thinks it’s time to once and for all free the nipple … which she did twice for our camera guy.  We got Brody Jenner’s ex-gf…


Thursday, October 8, 2015

Jayde Pierce: On Vacation with Justin Bieber!

The Internet is in a major tizzy today over photos of Justin Bieber naked that were snapped by The New York Daily News, as it clearly violated Bieber’s privacy in publishing pics of the singer in a private pool.

But the sight of Bieber’s penis is distracting most people from another pressing fact regarding Justin’s vacation in Bora Bora.

And that would be this: Who is Bieber on vacation with?!?

The artist is enjoying his time in the tropics with Jayde Pierce, a model who first starting hanging out with Bieber this spring.

She told The Mirror in August that her and Bieber were “just friends,” but she also added:

“People think Justin must be a brat and arrogant but he’s nothing like that. He’s a really tactile guy. He loves cuddles.”

Yeah. Most friends do not cuddle.

Pierce explains that Bieber first contacted her over Instagram, and that the two started text messaging each other after Justin asked for her number.

“Honestly, most of the time we spent chatting. Nothing more,” Pierce told The Mirror two months ago.

“He’d tell me, ‘You don’t need makeup. You look pretty naturally.’ And he loved my British accent. I definitely fancied him, too.”

So there you have it, people. Not many lines one needs to read between there.

You may be able to drool over Justin Bieber’s penis this afternoon. But Jayde Pierce has very likely done more than that with it.