Showing posts with label Jellyfish. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jellyfish. Show all posts

Friday, December 2, 2016

Man Confuses Jellyfish For Breast Implant, Reports Homicide

A concerned man turned to local police after he discovered what he believed was a stray breast implant, prompting fears of a possible homicide.

Alas, it was a jellyfish.

Police in Queensland, Australia, thought the story seemed fishy (sorry), and confirmed as much when they learned the nature of the blob.

After the unidentified man made the discovery along the coast and shared his concerns with officials, they immediately sprung into action.

Soon enough, the dedicated public servants at the Maroochydore police station said in a news release that there was nothing to worry about.

Well, unless you get stung. Ouch!

The good Samaritan handed officers a plastic bag with a circular, slightly blue colored object inside after it piqued his concern.

He worried that the fleshy, translucent item could be a "prosthetic implant" from a person who had drowned or been murdered.

At his request, police seized the marine life … but it"s possible this guy likes to watch NCIS online, because he was way off.

"Investigations revealed what police expected … the item was indeed a jellyfish," police said, quieting a worried populace. 

Authorities didn"t say where the jellyfish was found, however, they did post the above image on Twitter with this caption:

“Evidence presented at Maroochydore Station smelt fishy from the start, resulting in a unique bust.” 


Man confuses jellyfish for breast implant reports homicide