Showing posts with label Komplete. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Komplete. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Kardashian Baby Names: The Komplete Kountdown!

The Kardashian-Jenner clan now nearly has enough little kids running around to start its own baseball team.

But it"s not the sheer number of sons and daughters shared by Kourtney, Kim, Kylie and Rob that has the Internet abuzz.

It"s the names of these sons and daughters!

We mean no judgment at their expense, of course. They are cute and precious and they have no control over what they are called.

But we do mean to pass A LOT of judgment on their parents for these unique monikers.

Below, we rank the first names of these famous kids, from our absolute favorite to the one we still cannot believe is an actual name…

9. Penelope Disick

Penelope disick

This is a nice, normal, very cute name. Do they call her “Penny?” We hope so. Thumbs up all around.

8. North West

North west

First, the nickname “Nori” is sort of adorable. Second, the name may be ridiculous, but she is Kanye and Kim’s kid. Her whole life will be ridiculous. At least her parents leaned into it here.

7. Mason Disick

Mason disick

Strong name. Sounds sort of like a detective on a Shonda Rhimes drama, doesn’t it? Also, like the first two names listed here, not a terrible shortened nickname. Mace. We don’t hate it.

6. True Thompson

Khloe kardashian nursery

Khloe used this photo of a nursery to announce that her daughter is named True Thompson. Put aside her baby daddy’s cheating scandal and everything and… we don’t hate it! It’s alliterative and sort of catchy. And definitely unique… without making us ill. One thumb up!

5. Dream Kardashian

Dream kardashian

We guess? Any of the following names could go in almost any order at this point… and that’s not a compliment. We just fell off a pretty huge cliff of semi-normalcy.

4. Chicago West

Chicago west

Like we said, we’re really scraping the bottom of the barrel here… already. In this case, we’re relying again on the hope that she is really called “Chi,” which isn’t awful. And we’re giving Kanye some props for remembering when he comes from.

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Thursday, January 21, 2016

Kocktails with Khloe Review: It"s Komplete Krap!

Look, we love you, Khloe Kardashian.

It may be a relative comparison, but you are by far our favorite Kardashian.

So it gives us no pleasure to pass along a review of Kocktails with Khloe – the talk show that premiered on FYI Wednesday night – that described the program as “komplete krap.”

So wrote The New York Daily News, which went on to say that Kocktails with Khloe was a “miserable mishmash of fast talking and kwik kamera kuts that was as difficult to follow as a gum-popping waitress in a loud bar.”

The premiere guests for Khloe’s filmed dinner party were Aisha Tyler, Brandi Glanville, Kym Whitley, Snoop Dogg and Kendall Jenner.

At one point, Khloe lamented the double standard that exists between men and women who get separated.

“During my separation, I’m like, ‘OK, I’ve been waiting for this divorce to go through, but I’m going to date someone.

“For women, you’re so judged, and everyone’s saying, ‘She’s still married and still dating,’ and I’m like, ‘Why can men do this?’

“Or during someone’s marriage, if they cheat or whatever, no one throws stones at them; why am I cast as some jezebel?”

At another point, Kendall prank-called Kim Kardashian to tell her that she’s pregnant… and Kim didn’t really seem to care very much.

At another point, Khloe at least got Brandi to admit that she did not quit The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills

She was fire.

“They didn’t ask me back full time,” Brandi said. “I was really counting on the paycheck.”

We also learned that Snoop Dogg, back in 2004, stopped smoking marijuana for 180 days.

Khloe, however, did not press the rapper on his quote last year that Caitlyn Jenner is a science project.

Which is too bad. Because that would have at least made for interesting television.