Showing posts with label Loyalty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Loyalty. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

NYC Terrorism Suspect Left Behind Notes Pledging ISIS Loyalty

The man who plowed his rental truck into pedestrians and cyclists in Lower Manhattan left behind handwritten letters pledging allegiance to ISIS. Sayfullo Saipov, the 29-year-old terror suspect, reportedly left notes written in Arabic along with a…


NYC Terrorism Suspect Left Behind Notes Pledging ISIS Loyalty

The man who plowed his rental truck into pedestrians and cyclists in Lower Manhattan left behind handwritten letters pledging allegiance to ISIS. Sayfullo Saipov, the 29-year-old terror suspect, reportedly left notes written in Arabic along with a…


Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Omarosa Blows Off "She"s Fired" Reports, Says Prez Trump Values Loyalty

Omarosa ain’t worried about an attempt to lock her out of President Trump’s inner circle, ‘cause she has the one thing 45 values more than anything. We got the ex-“Celebrity Apprentice” star and current Trump adviser at Reagan International in D.C.…


Omarosa Blows Off "She"s Fired" Reports, Says Prez Trump Values Loyalty

Omarosa ain’t worried about an attempt to lock her out of President Trump’s inner circle, ‘cause she has the one thing 45 values more than anything. We got the ex-“Celebrity Apprentice” star and current Trump adviser at Reagan International in D.C.…


Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Willis McGahee Would"ve Never Skipped A Bowl Game Because College Loyalty Comes First (VIDEO)

Willis McGahee says he’d have never skipped a bowl game to preserve his health … telling TMZ Sports the loyalty you get from your college team is worth more than all the NFL money in the world. McGahee — a star — tore his ACL and MCL in a…


Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Kim Kardashian: Rob Has No Loyalty to the Family!

Last season, Keeping Up With the Kardashians was becoming kind of a snooze fest, and the ratings showed it.

Re-enter Rob Kardashian and his controversial relationship with Kylie Jenner"s arch rival Blac Chyna and BAM!

The Kards are back, baby.

It"s kind of bittersweet news for the family, because although they"re happy Rob has emerged from the rock he"s been living under for the past three years, they"re kinda bummed it was Blac who coaxed him out.

Rob"s sisters Kim and Khloe Kardashian discuss their brother"s newfound lust for the spotlight in a preview clip for KUWTK

"The fact that now he"s created a Snapchat, the fact that now he wants to be so public blows my mind," Khloe tells Kim.

"She gave him confidence," Kim says. "More power to her."

Khloe looks at Kim like she just told her she was deleting all her social media accounts and joining Greenpeace.

But in her confessional, Kim insists that she truly is happy that her brother has come out of his rut, even though it"s created some drama within the family.

"I don"t care who he"s dating," she tells the camera. "I"m just so happy that he"s feeling better about himself."

She shares her feelings with Khloe, but also adds that Rob should have paid more respect to his sisters.

"He should have said to us, "Hey guys, this is how I feel. I can"t help who I love. And I fell in love with her. Kylie should know this,"" she said.

"He just has no loyalty," Kim added, which Khloe repeated.

While Khloe says she"s happy for Rob, she admits to feeling resentful that her brother shunned her after all she"d done for him.

"I"ve been the only one who has stood by him and defended him and wanted the best for him," she says. "That"s where it gets frustrating."

Since this episode was filmed, Rob and Blac have gotten engaged and announced that they are expecting a child this year.

Watch below:

Kim kardashian rob has no loyalty to the family