Showing posts with label Makeup. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Makeup. Show all posts

Friday, October 2, 2015

Kourtney Kardashian: No Makeup, No Cares About Scott!

This photo of Kourtney Kardashian without makeup is gorgeous on its own merit, but also for the message it so clearly sends her former lover.

It is so simple. So pure. So raw. So vulnerable.

A testament to her resolve, to her inner strength. To her sense of who she is, that she still manages to put herself out there in a time of turmoil.

Despite experiencing so many mixed feelings and complex emotions concerning her split with Scott Disick, she is still a precious gift to this world.

Okay, we’re done. And we’re kidding, people.

But seriously folks. All over-analyzing, reading into things and laying it on way too thick aside, she is looking so beyond ridiculously great here.

So great, it is honestly a little bit startling.

Not only because you don’t often see such a stunning woman in her natural state, but because somehow, some way … Scott Disick ditched her.

Was Chloe Bartoli worth it, bruh?! Was she?!

And now Lindsay Vrckovnik? Seriously?!

Sorry. We’ll stop eventually. We swear.

But you have to admit, this does beg the question of whether the d-bag who calls himself the Lord will rue the day he let this catch get away: