Showing posts with label McNary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label McNary. Show all posts

Friday, August 5, 2016

Chase McNary: The Next Bachelor?

With fans of The Bachelor looking ahead to next season and wondering who will hand out the roses, we may have our first major clue …

Franchise shot-caller Mike Fleiss appeared to have dropped a subtle hint this week that made Chase McNary supporters quite happy.

Fleiss tweeted on Wednesday, August 3, that his followers should tune in that evening to his new TLC dating show, Love at First Kiss?

Why? A Bachelor-related incentive, obviously.

“There’s a clue as to who will be our new Bachelor on tonite’s premiere of our new show #LoveAtFirstKiss on TLC!!!” Fleiss tweeted.

So what was this teaser, exactly?

Your guess is as good as ours.

In fact, when the episode aired, fans were confused as to what Fleiss might have been referring to, or wondering if they’d been played.

If you watched The Bachelorette season finale, and saw that it was nothing like the promos suggested, well, that’s what the show does.

We digress – or maybe weren’t thinking hard enough. Some speculated online that the perceived hint was in the promo for next week.

That teaser featured a brief clip of a couple on a yoga date. Is that the clue that it’s Chase McNary, he of the sexy yoga date with JoJo?

Fletcher and her would-be third-pace finisher went on a very suggestive yoga outing, as you recall if you watch The Bachelorette online.

Perhaps Fleiss was hinting that he will make Chase McNary The Bachelor, as fans of the Colorado-based medical sales rep are hoping.

Or not. After the Love at First Kiss premiere aired, Fleiss tweeted this instead: “Ok, I’ll admit it. The clue was pretty subtle … #LoveAtFirstKiss.”

McNary and fourth-place finisher Luke Pell have expressed interest in landing the coveted Bachelor gig, as has runner-up Robby Hayes.

Fletcher accepted Jordan Rodgers’ proposal on Monday’s finale, leaving runner-up Robby shocked and more than a bit broken hearted.

As for whether producers would make Robby Hayes The Bachelor after his emotional end to this past season, he’s open to the idea.

Regardless of whether it’s Luke, Chase or Robby, it’s a guarantee that there will be a bona fide hottie handing out the roses next winter. 

Where will they rank on this list?!

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Chase McNary: Will He Be the Next Bachelor?

Will Chase McNary soon have the chance to write his own happily ever after?

Those who watch The Bachelorette online or on television saw this suitor’s journey come to an end this past Monday night.

But while McNary was disappointed in JoJo Fletcher’s decision to send him home, a contingent of his fans believe this was the best possible fate for Chase.

Because now he can go from contestant to star and select his very own one true love.

Indeed, McNary has confirmed to Entertainment Tonight that he has talked to producers about anchoring Season 21 of The Bachelor.

“The discussions are there,” said McNary, a 27-year old medical sales rep, who also admitted to having concerns about becoming the man in charge of the roses.


“I don’t know – there’s a lot of weight there.”

True. But also a lot of gorgeous, desperate women!

“There [are] a lot of expectations, and I’m not scared of it … but I definitely want to make the smart decision and the right decision before I totally accept that position,” McNary said.

He went on to explain that it might be challenging for him to be up front with emotions when faced 25 different women, considering that it took him a long time to share his most personal feelings with Fletcher.

Of course, McNary may never get this opportunity.

Luke Pell was also given the boot by Fletcher this week and he’s also in contention to serve as The Bachelor.

“It’s a possibility,” said the 31-year old the war veteran. “I definitely would not pass on it!”

Which of these cast-offs with JoJo choose?

Both would be “phenomenal choices,” she told Entertainment Tonight.

Can she elaborate?

“Both are extremely good-looking, but besides that they are great guys,” she said.

On August 1, Fletcher will decide herself between Jordan Rodgers or Robby Hayes, at which point the man she rejects will presumably also be in the running for Bachelor.

You can visit our section of The Bachelorette spoilers to find out the winner and then you can leave a comment below: