Showing posts with label Michaels. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Michaels. Show all posts

Monday, December 26, 2016

George Michael"s Partner Says He Found Singer Dead In Bed

George Michael’s partner Fadi Fawaz says he found the singer “dead peacefully in bed” on Christmas morning.  Michael had been linked to the celebrity hairstylist for years — though they reportedly kept their relationship on the down low. …


George Michael"s Partner Says He Found Singer Dead In Bed

George Michael’s partner Fadi Fawaz says he found the singer “dead peacefully in bed” on Christmas morning.  Michael had been linked to the celebrity hairstylist for years — though they reportedly kept their relationship on the down low. …


Elton John "In Deep Shock" Over George Michael"s Death

Elton John says he’s devastated by the death of his “beloved friend” George Michael — saying, “I am in deep shock.” Elton — who famously collaborated with George for the 1992 hit, “Don’t Let the Sun Go Down on Me” — posted a tribute to his…


Saturday, November 5, 2016

Jermaine Jackson Divorce -- I Want HALF Our Michaels ... Says Estranged Wife (PHOTO GALLERY)

Jermaine Jackson’s estranged wife is making a list — and checking it twice, we’re sure — to make sure she gets half their stuff, and she’s especially eyeing two fancy Michael Jackson paintings. Halima Rashid’s divorce docs include a list of…


Thursday, March 3, 2016

Lorne Michaels BREAKS SILENCE on Kanye West SNL Meltdown

The sheer quantity of tantrums, potshots and straight-up delusional proclamations that have exited Kanye West’s mouth this year have become too numerous to count.

Kanye has chosen Twitter as the primary outlet for his word vomit, but a few weeks ago we actually got to hear Kanye in the midst of a meltdown at Saturday Night Live on the night of his performance.

The rapper was upset that the stage design had been changed on him without notice and was understandably upset.

But in his expletive-filled tirade, he called Taylor Swift a “fake ass,” shouted that he was 50 percent more influential than Pablo Picasso and Paul the Apostle and screamed “Don’t f*ck with me!” numerous times.

Lorne Michaels, SNL creator and executive producer, has now broken his silence on the Kanye incident, and his response sounds a lot like the work of a seasoned PR pro.

“That happened in his dressing room,” Michaels told E! News. “Kanye’s been on the show a lot of years, and it’s always different. He’s an artist, you know? A great artist.”

Actually, it sounds like Kanye crafted his response. Guess he’s got Michaels drinking the Kool-Aid, too (or he’s just covering his own butt).

“He just always delivers, and he’s Kanye,” Michaels added.

Let’s all try this at work: throw an uncensored, no-holds-barred, spitting hissy fit, then use the excuse of “I’m an artist, and I’m me” and see how that goes over.

If you’re as crafty as Kanye, your co-workers will be kissing your ass and praising your creativity in no time. Expect a promotion.