Showing posts with label Mullins. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mullins. Show all posts

Monday, September 4, 2017

Danielle Mullins: 90 Day Fiance Star"s Criminal Background Exposed!

Oh dear.

90 Day Fiance has introduced us to a number of … interesting characters. From the demanding and sometimes violent Anfisa Arkhipchenko to the sweet but torn Paola Mayfield, these people starred on 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After because they were interesting.

But it looks like Danielle Mullins’ backstory is more “interesting” than any of us realized. And suddenly some of the accusations that Mohamed Jbali made during their marriage make a whole lot of sense. …

From the beginning, even though Danielle and Mohamed did get married, there were … problems between the two of them.

Mohamed Jbali is from Tunis, Tunisia and he is only a few years over half Danielle’s age.

As much as we’d like to celebrate a relationship where the woman is older and the man is younger as a fist shaking in the face of outdated gender roles and stereotypes, that degree of age difference is a red flag.

No matter the genders involved.

The two of them met in a chat room, and that was all that it took for Mohamed Jbali to move to the US.

Danielle lost her job just days before their wedding — not that she was making much money to begin with.

Mohamed had claimed to have a job but, as it turned out, he was lying at the time.

Danielle, it turned out, hadn’t been entirely honest, as she’d apparently written bad checks and also used someone else’s credit card.

Until now, we never knew the extent of her criminal background.

During the marriage, Danielle Mullins and Mohamed Jbali only had sex once, to consummate their union.

After that, Danielle accused Mohamed of cheating on her, Mohamed accused Danielle of using his money without his permission and also of having an unpleasant body odor.

The two are now divorced, though Danielle tried to do what she could to get an annulment so that she could deport Mohamed, which some saw as her being vengeful over Mohamed not sleeping with her after she demanded sex.

So, let’s run that down.

An accusation of writing a bad check.

An accusation of using someone else’s credit card.

And then an accusation of using Mohamed Jbali’s credit card and of creating a fake account in Mohamed’s name, which both sound like serious ways of abusing her marriage and her (now former) husband’s finances.

Well, it turns out that what we heard on 90 Day Fiance is only the tip of the criminal iceburg, if these records that Reddit dug up are to be believed.

Danielle Mullins is no jewel thief, but these all look like crimes.

Yes, one of those appears to be for driving without wearing a seatbelt.

Honestly, we can see why someone would want to steal money, even if we can’t imagine doing that ourselves. It’s harder to wrap our heads around the motive for driving without a seatbelt.

It’s strange to us that this didn’t come up when they were casting 90 Day Fiance in the first place. Surely the producers ran background checks. Like, grocery stores run background checks before they hire you.

So we’re guessing that it did come up, but that producers either determined that the crimes were sufficiently petty (and non-violent) or in the past or worth the risk for the entertainment value that they hoped to get from Danielle’s (brief, it turns out) marriage to Mohamed Jbali.

But we don’t think that Danielle ever wanted that to become public.

On Facebook, Danielle wrote:

“Yes, I used someone’s credit card and it was a mistake. Yes, in the beginning I was charged with [four] or [five] felonies… This happened in 2005 and I regret it and I paid my restitution, courts costs, and served probation.”

That … doesn’t explain away that whole list.

These days, we hope that Danielle Mullins has cleaned up her act.

It looks like Danielle Mullins is entering a new career in reality television, but criminal activity can be a huge liability for network execs.

The real question is whether she’ll be sufficiently entertaining when she’s not paired with Mohamed Jbali.

Mohamed Jbali has not been deported, though it sounds like Danielle is still trying to get him deported.

It’s said that she has a new boyfriend who also lives a long distance from her. For his sake, he’d better not upset her.

Danielle can hold a grudge.

And, from the sound of things, he might want to take extra steps to secure his finances. Just in case.


Friday, July 28, 2017

Danielle Mullins: Thanks for My New Career, Haters!

Just because Danielle Mullins and Mohamed Jbali are no longer married doesn’t mean that the 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After? couple is done forever with reality television.

In fact, it sounds like Danielle already has something lined up.

The best 90 Day Fiance couple would have to be Kirlyam and Alan Cox, right? In case you missed it, Kirlyam Cox is pregnant and due in just two months!

The worst couple on that series would easily be Anfisa Arkhipchenko and Jorge Nava and their toxic, sometimes violent relationship.

Paola Mayfield and Russ are somewhere in the middle.

Mohamed Jbali and Danielle Mullins may not be as bad as Anfisa and Jorge, but they’re still pretty close to the bottom.

As a couple, they were so toxic together that they’re now divorced.

In the end, while Mohamed came across as selfish and sleazy and probably a cheater, Danielle herself didn’t seem like a great person.

Which is a shame, because she could have tried to present herself as a sympathetic victim.

People would have ignored Mohamed’s claims that she had a strange, foul body odor if she’d made herself likable, you know?

Instead, she comes across as spiteful.

It seems like she set out to ruin Mohamed Jbali’s life as punishment for not having sex with her except for that one time that they banged.

Mohamed himself isn’t a great person, either.

But after the way that Danielle treated him, people hardly blamed him for hiding from her.

(Remember when Mohamed Jbali was missing? He was okay, but that was weird)

In an interview, Danielle Mullins announces that she’s going to be on more reality shows.

(Probably starting with From Not To Hot, though that’s really a guess)

Specifically, she’s signed on with GR Media, who’ve represented … um, such esteemed individuals as Mama June and Farrah Abraham.

And Danielle is crediting her haters for her continuing career.

“Well, I can say that because of their hate, I’m going to be starting a new journey.”

Ah, yes. Because of their hate.

For the record, we think that people were hateful because she and Mohamed had an aggressively toxic relationship.

There’s a difference between a person on television whose storyline people enjoy and a person who will get people to follow them.

We have yet to see whether Danielle can attract viewers out of the context of a dysfunctional engagement and a crumbling marriage.

Danielle Mullins says that what makes her so appealing is her popularity, though, so maybe GR Media knows something that we don’t.

“Because I’ve been so popular with the 90 Day series, I’ve recently signed on with Gina Rodriguez [head of GR Media] to manage me. And she’s the manager of Mama June. So she has some big plans for me.”

Again, these are also the people behind Farrah Abraham.

So … if Danielle makes a transformation on From Not To Hot, is she also going to follow it up with a sex tape?

If so, we’re guessing that Mohamed Jbali will take a hard pass.

There’s too much bad blood between them, for sure.

As for 90 Day Fiance, Danielle isn’t sure that she’s going to appear on the show again.

“I don’t know if we’ll be back for another season because, like I said, I signed with Gina, and she has another show in mind for me.”

We look forward to the announcement of what it will be.

(Though, again, signs point to From Not To Hot)


Tuesday, July 18, 2017

90 Day Fiance Star Danielle Mullins Finally Reveals Whether She and Mohamed Jbali Had Sex!

Whether or not a marriage has been consummated is usually just the business of the spouses, but sometimes — just like on period dramas and Game of Thrones — the question of consummation can become a legal matter.

That’s the case for 90 Day Fiance stars Danielle Mullins and Mohamed Jbali, whose awkward marriage never really made any sense, with many people questioning if the two — who seemed unable to stand each other — 

Well, Danielle’s finally spilling the beans. …

Okay, so as we mentioned in our 90 Day Fiance recap, things have been worse than ever for Danielle Mullins and Mohamed Jbali.

Like, early on, it seemed that Danielle was frustrated with Mohamed’s lack of interest in her and she accused him of cheating.

In the mean time, she seemed controlling and Mohamed accused her of having an unbearable body odor.

So … they both seem a little shady and a lot ill-suited for each other.

And then there was that whole time period when Mohamed Jbali was missing.

The show itself caught up with Mohamed Jbali and no, he hadn’t been deported.

(Though that could still be in his future if Danielle gets her way)

Mohamed had fled from Miami, where Danielle had located him, and moved to Port Richey.

He has been working there as a driver.

The show’s camera captured the moment that he was served with his annulment papers.

An annulment, mind you, means that he’ll almost certainly be deported.

But the annulment itself is no guaranteed thing, because it’s more extreme than a divorce.

But in order to get an annulment, Danielle Mullins needs grounds for one.

Because unlike King Henry VIII, she can’t just change the rules for herself if she isn’t granted the annulment that she seeks.

And Danielle addresses the question of whether or not she’s likely to get the annulment on 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After?

She finally talks about a topic that countless fans and viewers had been wondering about for ages.

Danielle and Mohamed have always, always been evasive about their sexual relationship — or lack thereof.

Early on, Danielle seemed peeved that Mohamed wasn’t, um, “performing his husbandly duties.”

Mohamed seemed off-put by Danielle, and had also allegedly cheated on her.

Noit a great combo.

On the episode, we see Danielle meet with her court liaison, Linda.

She is, of course, discussing the annulment that she’s seeking.

Danielle listed “fraud” as the reason for the annulment, but Linda isn’t convinced that it will be sufficient grounds for the court to erase her marriage to Mohamed as if it had never been.

(Linda isn’t convinced that Danielle can prove fraud in the first place)

So … basically, Danielle has to fess up about her sex life with Mohamed.

And, since she’s on this show, she has to make an embarrassing revelation on camera.

Danielle finally admits that she and Mohamed did have sex, thus consummating their marriage.

… But only once, ever.

That’s kind of the worst possible answer that she could have had to give, you know?

If they hadn’t had sex at all, that would be embarrassing but great for her push for an annulment.

If they’d had sex plenty of times, that would be less embarrassing but would hurt her case in court.

As it is, reality has handed Danielle the worst of both worlds, and she just admitted it on camera.

We’d feel sorry for her given the circumstances … or for Mohamed given that he could get deported.

But they both seem like jerks.

90 Day Fiance doesn’t always end in disaster and spite for the couples.

Kirlyam and Alan Fox are expecting and also seem to be wildly happy together.

Some of the struggles that the couples in 90 Day Fiance face are unique to a couple who’s first meeting on a reality show and who only have 90 days to get married.

But you know what?

It’s normal for some couples to work out and others to not work out.

Half of marriages end in divorce.

(The other half end in death)

So it only makes sense that 90 Day Fiance, where the relationships are rushed at the beginning, will have some relationships that rush towards the bitter end.

By “the bitter end,” we mean divorces and annulments.

Not death.


Friday, July 7, 2017

Danielle Mullins to Mohamed Jbali: Did You Cheat?!?

Danielle Mullins and Mohamed Jbali are not going to live happily ever after.

This doesn"t come as a shock to anyone who has followed the ups and (mostly) downs of the reality stars, who came into public consciousness as one of the couples on TLC"s 90 Day Fiance.

And who have basically been at each other"s throats ever since.

Danielle and Mohamed got officially divorced this spring, several months after they separated, and Danielle made it clear on the 90 Day Fiance premiere last month that she wants nothing to do with her former husband any longer.

Heck, she wants him deported, Danielle said.

However, Mullins will call Jbali on the phone this Sunday on a new episode of the controversial reality show because she"ll have some pressing questions for him to answer.

Specifically: Did he cheat on her back in the day?

“You go from one woman to another. You want to know what they call that? They call that a gigolo,” Danielle yells in the clip below, while looking at a photo of her ex with another woman. “

You’re gonna be lucky if your d–k don’t fall off.”

Taken aback by these allegations, Mohamed asks Danielle if she’s drunk.

(This is never a good response when you"re asked about rumored infidelity. Consider that a free piece of advice from THG to you, fellas.)

“We were OK and everything was all right," Mohamed says by way of an attempted explanation.

"And then I posted a picture of me with my friend and you blow up on me. You posted things on social media about me. Now you are just showing me that you are a jealous woman.”

Danielle fires back as follows:

“I have commented about you here and there, but I’ve also defended you. That’s why I lost my family, because I defended you."

These two met in an online chatroom and then got married in July 2014 after Mohamed, a Tunisia native, emigrated to Ohio to be with Danielle.

Amidst financial trouble and cheating allegations, they split up in December of 2015.

Check out the fiery sneak peek below and then tune in to TLC on Sunday at 8/7c to see where things go from here:

Danielle mullins to mohamed jbali did you cheat