Showing posts with label Nevet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nevet. Show all posts

Monday, July 10, 2017

Audrey Roloff Addresses Single Ladies: Nevet Netflix and Chill!

About a year ago, Audrey Roloff stirred up a bit of controversy by doling out advice to fellow married folks.

First, she compared marriage to war, saying husbands and wives enter a “battlefield” on a regular basis.

In a semi-rambling blog post, the Little People, Big World star asked the following:

“What are you doing to protect your marriage against the dangers of, porn, workaholism, worry, pride, stress, fear, loss, addiction, comparison, social media, emotional cheating, that girl at the gym, in-laws, hormones, or idolizing your kids?”

Roloff got a lot of pushback for her comments, which she followed up suggesting that married couples she often recite their vows to each other.

In bed. During sex.

“I’ll spare you the details, but it was the most intimate thing we have ever done in our marriage,” Roloff wrote at the time. “And probably the most intimate thing I have ever done in my life.”

Roloff also received some Internet side-eye for this recommendation.

Therefore, perhaps sick of getting flak for what she has to say to other wives and their husband, Audrey has shifted her focus.

In her latest Instagram post, the reality star has directed her attention to single ladies around the world.

This is her Beyonce moment, people!

“To all the single girls out there… wait for the kind of man who wants to sit and talk with you by a campfire more than he wants to sit by you watching Netflix on a couch,” Roloff writes, expanding on this theme as follows:

“Wait for a man who comes to your door when he picks you up instead of just texting, ‘I’m here.’

“Wait for a man who is more dedicated to pursuing Jesus than he is to pursuing his career ambitions.

“Wait for a man who wants to get to know your friends and family instead of always insisting on hanging out alone.

“Wait for a man who you’d want to be the father of your children instead of a man who’s still acting like a child.”

Audrey has clearly found a man that fits these qualifications.

She has been gushing over Jeremy Roloff for many weeks and months now, especially in light of the couple expecting its first child this September.

“I know it may seem harsh, but I say these things to encourage you and give you hope,” Roloff said, seemingly aware that she may be inviting more criticism with these words of advice.

She concludes with a message of hope:

“That kind of man is out there. Don’t believe the big fat lie that tells you, “Oh I’ll never find someone like that.” Jeremy is not an exception.

“Men like this DO exist. Pray for him and wait for him.”

Audrey added the hashtag “#beating50percent” to her post, which is a reference to the fact that one-half of all marriages in the U.S. end in divorce.

She and Jeremy are beating those odds at the moment.

And soon they’ll be changing diapers!

The TLC stars started dating in 2011, got married in 2014 and will become parents this fall.

As you can see above, Audrey has been keeping social media followers well apprised of her baby bump status on Instagram, while the cable network is expected to air new episodes of Little People, Big World in a few months.

It’s very safe to assume that Audrey’s pregnancy and delivery will be a central storyline when the popular series returns.
