Showing posts with label Ngers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ngers. Show all posts

Friday, November 18, 2016

Teacher Fired for Screaming at "Punk A$$ N--gers" in Class

Welcome to Donald Trump"s America?

Earlier this week, we shared the video of a displeased Starbucks patron who ranted and raved about how his bad service was a product of anti-white discrimination.

And now we have the unfortunate job of reporting on an even more disturbing story…

A middle school teacher in Baltimore was fired from her job this week after cellphone footage was taken of her absolutely berating her students in class.

The teacher is white, a majority of her students were black and she got very, very mad at them for reasons that most definitely do NOT justify what she said.

“Leave! Get out of my class,” we hear her screaming in the video below, as she shoves a boy out of the room at Harlem Park Elementary/Middle School.

“You’re idiots!” she adds, prior to warning the kids that “if you don’t get an education you will wind up being a punk ass n—er who is gonna get shot.”

Yup, she really did say that.

She also called her students “stupid” during her one-minute rant, but that was almost harmless compared to everything else.

The teacher"s name has been withheld, but we can confirm that she"s been fired.

Watch her rant below and try not to lose faith in all of humanity as you do:

Baltimore teacher fired for screaming at punk a%24%24 n gers in clas