Showing posts with label O'Malia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label O'Malia. Show all posts

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Tyga Responds to Molly O"Malia Accusations on Instagram

Earlier this week, a 14-year-old model named Molly O’Malia accused Tyga of stalking and harassing her via social media and text messages. 

The rapper has been radio silent on social media in the days since, but last night, he posted a cryptic message that many are interpreting as his first public response to the allegations:

Tyga posted the above photo, along with a caption reading, “They don’t want you to win.”

Sources close to the 26-year-old rapper say Tyga insists he contacted O’Malia about her music, and that his interest in the aspiring singer was purely professional.

Unfortunately for T-Raww, O’Malia held a press conference on Monday in which she explicitly stated that the topic of her music never came up during their text and direct message exchanges.

“I thought that it could possibly be about my music, but he did not mention that in his initial communication with me,” O’Malia stated, while seated next to famed Hollywood attorney Gloria Allred.

“He asked me to FaceTime three times, but I didn’t do it,” O’Malia told a crowd of reporters.

“Because of my discomfort with why he wanted to communicate with me I quickly stopped responding to him. It’s crazy how so much can come out of nothing.”

Currently, Tyga isn’t facing any criminal charges, but we think this whole thing should finally be enough to get him dumped by Kylie Jenner.

Tough times for T-Raww!

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Tyga to Kylie Jenner: I Was Only Interested in Molly O"Malia For Her Music!

Earlier this week, Tyga was accused of stalking and harassing a 14-year-old girl named Molly O’Malia via social media and text messages.

The rapper has maintained that he was only interested in O’Malia’s music career, but not surprisingly, his girlfriend Kylie Jenner has her doubts.

Now, sources say Tyga is desperately trying to convince Kylie that his interest in Molly is purely professional, but she’s having a hard time believing the man with the well-documented interest in teenage girls.

“Tyga’s got nothing to hide and he’s been up front with Kylie about this situation from the jump,” an (obviously pro-Tyga) insider tells Hollywood Life.

“Tyga only reached out to this girl because she had a huge online presence and thought if that many people like her vocals than there’s got to be something there that he can work with a help further develop.”

We guess Tyga is asking Kylie to overlook the fact that Molly specifically stated that he never mentioned anything about her music or her career in their private message exchanges.

Anyway, Tyga apparently claims he was just doing what Kylie always wanted him to do by getting out there and earning.

“He was in the mindset that [Molly] could be the next best thing. Tyga was thinking dollars – that’s it!” the source continues. “He doesn’t think Kylie should have a problem with this at all.”

Yes, the man is actually trying to blame Kylie for pressuring him to make deals like some teenage girl version of Alec Baldwin in Glengarry Glen Ross. Coffee is for closers!

“After all, Kylie’s always been riding Tyga, telling him to make more money and encouraging him to be a huge player in the rap biz,” says the insider.

“So, he saw an opportunity and went for it. He was being proactive and trying to find talent like Akon did with Lady Gaga. It was all business on his end and that’s exactly what he told Kylie of this situation.”

It’s true that Akon was instrumental in helping Gaga to score a record deal, but it’s worth noting that Gaga wasn’t 14 freakin’ years old!

What we’re trying to say is: Tyga was and ever shall remain shady AF.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Tyga: Texts With Molly O"Malia Were Just About Music!!!

This is becoming way too “He Said, She Said.”

After an OK! cover story claimed that 14-year-old singer Molly O’Malia was coming between Tyga and Kylie Jenner, celebrity F-list lawyer Gloria Allred held a press conference to accuse the rapper of harassing her client via text message.

O’Malia is suing the magazine’s editors for failing to sufficiently pixelate her photo, making it easy for Jenner fans to learn her identity and harass her.

The whole thing also makes Tyga look like a complete creep.

“The truth is that Tyga contacted me first,” O’Malia told reporters.

“He direct messaged me on Instagram. I knew [who] he was, but I was surprised that he was contacting me.

“I began to feel uncomfortable when he asked me to FaceTime with him. He asked me to FaceTime three times, but I didn’t do it.

“Because of my discomfort, I stopped responding…I’m speaking out today because I don’t want what happened to me to happen to any other young girl.”

Tyga’s reps retaliated, claiming that their client reached out for strictly professional reasons.  He was interested in signing O’Malia to his record Label, Last King Records, and TMZ got ahold of a text that O’Malia wrote to Tyga, lying that she was 17.

The reason for a Facetime request was so that Tyga and his team could “talk business with O’Malia and watch her sing. 

At no point in time did O’Malia state that she felt “uncomfortable” about their interaction, the 26-year-old’s reps stated.

Last night, O’Malia started a new Twitter account.  “Moving on from the drama,” her bio read.