Showing posts with label Ogle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ogle. Show all posts

Monday, January 23, 2017

Kylie Jenner: Check Out My Abs! Ogle My Underboob!

Kylie Jenner is intent on proving that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

The Keeping Up with the Kardashians star recently took to her official website in order to brag about her inner Martha Stewart.

The 19-year old talked at length about the breakfast she whips up every morning for herself and Tyga, prior to posting a trio of new photos on Instagram.

And each of these images put Kylie’s body on full (that is, barely clothed) display.

“I’m sure you guys can tell from my Snaps, but I’m pretty damn domestic,” Kylie wrote on her website, apparently without a trace of irony.

“I seriously love being home and cooking for my friends and family, especially breakfast.”

We know she loves being home.

This point is driven home with every bathroom selfie and every selfie of Jenner in a pool, rocking a skimpy bikini.

“I make the same meal every morning because it’s amazing and it’s T’s favorite. He always asks for it! It’s so easy, anyone can do it!!!” Kylie continued in her insightful post.

We know you’re dying for more: What is in this meal, Kylie?!?

“MY 3 MAIN INGREDIENTS: Jennie-O turkey breakfast sausage patties, Eggs, Pre-cooked rice,” she explained, actually not shilling for any particular product for a change.

Here is what Jenner does with those items:

“I cook the eggs and rice together in a pan (sometimes I add cheese too), and in a separate skillet I fry up the sausage with a little olive oil for about 13-15 minutes until it’s well-done … and voila!

“Seriously, that’s it. If you want a little extra flavor, sprinkle some garlic powder on your sausage. Enjoy!!!”

Many young men out there are probably enjoying these racy Kylie Jenner photos at the moment, that much we know for sure.

Jenner has kept mostly quiet over the first few weeks of 2017.

We haven’t read many breakup rumors regarding her or Tyga; or any marriage rumors, either.

Perhaps the stars are finally just content and happy and not trying to make any new headlines.

It’s also possible that Kylie is busy, having teased some kind of mysterious new project via a previous round of seductive snapshots.

That’s all we know at the moment.

The teenager posted the following photos online last week and wrote the words “secret project” along with them. Nothing more.

Might this be a reference to a new… calendar shoot? Magazine spread? Television show? Music video?

It’s not exactly unusual for Kylie to show off various private near-parts of her body online, but she rarely promotes any sort of professional endeavor while doing so.

We’re intrigued.

We’re also psyched to present a real treat for our male readers:

The racist Kylie Jenner pictures of all-time!

Lord knows we had a lot to choose from. But we’ve settle thus far on the images below:


Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Kylie Jenner Birthday Celebration: Ogle 69 Inappropriate Pics!

The one, the only Kylie Jenner is now 19 years old, officially.

Nineteen isn"t quite the milestone that eighteen was. She has been free to date Tyga and make a legal Kylie Jenner sex tape for 365 days.

She certainly made age 18 count, rising from up-and-coming star to super-celebrity status, dominating social media with every move.

And you. What did YOU do in the past year?

Probably not a whole lot in comparison to the teenage mogul, who racked up tens of millions. But you are free to ogle these hot pics.

Many of which were taken when she was under 18, or even under 17, so it"s still kind of creepy if you think about it, but, what can you do.

Legal is as legal does. And she clearly wanted fans to drool over her rapidly transforming body from the very beginning, so just go with it.

Sixty-nine times over.

1. Kylie Jenner: Birthday Boobs!

Kylie jenner birthday boobs

Tyga posted an incredibly racy photo of Kylie Jenner to celebrate her birthday. Yes, it’s racy even by Kylie’s standards.

2. Kylie Jenner Cleavage Close-Up

Kylie jenner cleavage close up

This is a close-up of Kylie Jenner’s cleavage. Keep in disturbing mind: the star is only 17 years old here.

3. Kylie Jenner with Blue Hair

Kylie jenner with blue hair

Kylie Jenner is on her phone in this Instagram photo. She’s also showing off blue hair and a lot of cleavage.

4. Kylie Jenner Body

Kylie jenner body

This is Kylie Jenner’s body these days. Not what your typical 17-year-old looks or dresses like, that’s for sure.

5. Kylie Jenner: Bikini and Fur Boots

Kylie jenner bikini and fur boots

Kylie Jenner recently posted a photo of herself in a bikini and fur boots. Not surprisingly, it quickly racked up hundreds of thousands of likes.

6. Kylie Jenner Tiger Toy Image

Kylie jenner tiger toy image

Kylie held a tiger toy up to her crotch during a recent photoshoot. We think it might be her subtle way of saying she’s banging Tyga.

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