Showing posts with label Osteen's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Osteen's. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Joel Osteen"s Lakewood Church in Houston Lined With Clothes, Toys, Towels

Joel Osteen’s Houston mega-church … and refugees are getting an official greeting from a ton of donated items. Lakewood Church’s lobby has been lined by piles of books, towels, toys, diapers, clothing and more … a stark contrast to what it…


Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Joel Osteen"s Church Was Fully Accessible During Harvey, Neighboring Hotel"s Biz Was Booming

Joel Osteen opted to lock the doors to his megachurch at the same time a neighboring hotel not only stayed open, but filled to capacity … proving roads in the area were accessible during Hurricane Harvey. We spoke to someone at the DoubleTree…


Joel Osteen"s Lakewood Church Parking Lot Bone-Dry 24 Hours Ago ... Why the Delay?

Joel Osteen’s church finally opened to Houston evacuees Tuesday morning, but several videos make it seem like they could have provided relief much earlier. A local resident shot this video Monday at 7 AM inside one of Lakewood Church’s underground…


Joel Osteen"s Church Still Closed to Houston Evacuees in Wake of Harvey

Pastor Joel Osteen is taking serious heat for not turning his Houston megachurch into a shelter for thousands of displaced residents who have no place to go. The Houston Lakewood Church has a capacity of almost 17,000 but it has not been open to…


Monday, August 28, 2017

Joel Osteen"s Houston Megachurch Can"t Open Because of Flood Waters

Joel Osteen’s 17,000-seat Lakewood Church in Houston isn’t opening its doors for rescue efforts because floodwaters just won’t allow it … according to the church. The mega-televangelist is catching flak for tweeting about his hometown flood, but…
