Showing posts with label Oteri. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oteri. Show all posts

Friday, November 4, 2016

Renee Oteri SLAMMED for Posting Naked Child "Porn"

Quick PSA? 

People are disgusting and deplorable, and when a lady can’t share a picture of an adorable baby (baby!) tush, it’s a sad, sad world indeed. 

Renee Oteri, former Bachelor contestant, found herself in the middle of a hornet’s nest of trouble after sharing a photo of her infant son, baby AJ, ying face-down, and not wearing a diaper. 

Read? You couldn’t see anything but his two cute little cheeks.  

Oteri, after facing huge backlash, pulled the photo down and replaced it with a pic where her son’s modesty was preserved. 

She captioned the pic, “So let me vent real quick. Last night, I posted a photo of AJ’s adorable little bum.”

“A baby bum,” Renee continued.

“We have all seen a bum.”

“A cushy, dimply, wrinkly little bum,” she reiterated.

“After reading some disturbing comments referencing ‘child pornography’ and ‘pedophile material,’ I regrettably decided to delete the photo.”

“Super unfortunate, upsetting, and incredibly disappointing,” she blasted.

“I mean, I get it: you cannot please everyone, but child porn? Really? C’mon.”

“If you’ve followed my account for quite some time now, you know photography and creative content is my jam,” Oteri defended.

“I would never, ever post something inappropriate or distasteful, especially of my babies.”

“I hate that most of my photos need a disclaimer, like ‘Car selfie! NOT DRIVING!’ or ‘Best wine ever! PUMPED + DUMPED!"” referencing the the fact that she does, indeed, breastfeed and drink wine. Just not simultaneously.

“Super annoying,” she continued.

“IG trolls will not be welcome here, and comments such as those will not be approved on my page.”

“I choose to share my life with all of you, and I’d like it to be a positive place for people to connect with me, and with each other,” she said.

“Keep the comments light and positive, or simply unfollow,” Oteri concluded. 

What a world we live in when we can’t even gush over adorable little baby bodies.  

What’s next – we can’t share pictures of puppies arses when they’re too young? 

Good grief, what a mess we’ve gotten ourselves, as a society, in lately, right? 

If you don’t like what she shares, go away, and don’t be freaking perverts and PC police about it. 

End of. 
