Showing posts with label Pakistani. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pakistani. Show all posts

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Donald Trump to Pakistani Prime Minister: I Love You, Bruh!

The election of Donald Trump was like the ending of The Sixth Sense:

A shocking, sad turn of events that makes you realize you’re in the hands of a master manipulator.

The events of the three weeks since Hillary Clinton’s concession have been like a 

A succession of increasingly brazen middle fingers to logic and common sense.

We’re sure you’ve heard about Trump feuding with the cast of Hamilton.

And of course there’s the thoroughly justified outrage over Trump’s staff appointments, which include a white nationalist (Steve Bannon), the guy who financed the Entourage movie (Steven Mnuchin), and a man so corrupt that he would need to notify his parole officer if he accepts the job (David Petraeus).

But from the time he first announced his candidacy, one of the biggest concerns about President-elect Trump had to do with his complete lack of foreign policy experience and his inflammatory comments about the governments and citizens of other nations.

Trump’s recent telephone conversation with Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif provided the perfect example of why his unique combination of bloviating self-aggrandizement and shameless glad-handing may not be the right tone for the geopolitical stage

As you may already know, US-Pakistani relations have been tense for decades.

In addition to the fact that Pakistan has been accused of knowingly harboring terrorists (Osama bin Laden was killed there in 2011), the nation is forever at odds with India over the disputed Kashmir territory, and many fear that the situation could erupt in a nuclear conflict.

Needless to say, it’s an incredibly delicate situation, so naturally Trump is handling the situation with all the tactful grace of one of his Rosie O’Donnell tweets.

“Ready and willing to play any role that you want me to play to address and find solutions to the outstanding problems,” Trump reportedly told Sharif, a man who could potentially bring about the nuclear apocalypse. 

He reportedly added:

“You are a terrific guy. You are doing amazing work which is visible in every way.”

To understand the bizarre nature of this situation, it helps to think of the situation as a game of Risk.

The US has gone to great lengths to ensure that Pakistan is aware that it maintains strong ties to India, while Pakistan has been allying itself with China.

Basically, instead of taking his turn to roll the dice, Trump just upended the game board, which was no easy feat with his tiny, tiny hands.


Monday, July 18, 2016

Qandeel Baloch, Pakistani Social Media Star, Murdered by Own Brother

An unspeakable crime has taken place in Pakistan.

Qandeel Baloch – an actress, model and strong social media presence in that country – was found dead on Friday in her family’s home in the city of Multan.

According to CNN soon after news of the incident broke, Baloch’s father, Muhammad Azeem, reported his own son, Waseem Azeem, to the authorities as the culprit.

Waseem was unable to be found at the time, but police eventually tracked him down and arrested him for the heinous crime.

At a press conference on Saturday, Waseem then admitted to murdering his sister.

Speaking with his face covered, Waseem told reporters that he “killed for honor” and had “no regrets” about murdering his younger sibling.

Waseem, who was one one of Baloch’s six brothers, told cops that he strangled Qandeel after giving her a sedative.

He then fled the house before being taken into custody.

“Girls are born only to stay at home and to bring honor to the family by following family traditions, but Qandeel had never done that,” Waseem said. 

Baloch (whose real name was Fauzia Azeem) was a popular and controversial figure on social media; some even dubbed her Pakistan’s answer to Kim Kardashian.

The blogger dared to show off her body and speak out about female empowerment in Pakistan, an especially conservative country.

Baloch would share videos with her 750,000-plus Facebook followers that featured her making faces at the camera, talking about her famous crushes and playing around with different hairstyle.

Last month, Baloch made headlines for her video with Muslim cleric Abdul Qavi in which she donned his cap and snapped selfies.

This was a big deal in Pakistan.

In that nation, approximately 1,000 women die every year as a result of “honor killings,” with many of them murdered by male relatives for bringing dishonor to their family.

“I am a drug addict, but I was in my senses when I murdered her and I accept it with pride,” Waseem said of the murder, adding:

“Now everybody will remember me with honor that I have provided relief to my parents and brothers who were suffering for the last two decades because of her.

“I have no regrets.”

A day before she was killed, Baloch addressed her critics, likely unaware that her own brother would end up taking her life:

“No matter how many times I will be pushed down under… but I’m a fighter, I will bounce back,” one of her last Facebook posts read.

“Qandeel Baloch is a one-woman army. Qandeel Baloch is an inspiration to those ladies who are treated badly and dominated by the society. I will keep on achieving and I know you will keep on hating.

“Damn, but who cares.”