Showing posts with label Paulie's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Paulie's. Show all posts

Monday, August 15, 2016

Big Brother Recap: The Downfall of Paulie"s Game!

If you watched the recent double eviction episode of Big Brother, it was clear there was a whole lot of the drama from the events leading up to the eviction missing. 

This made the double eviction episode a little difficult to follow because we didn’t know exactly what went down to make all of the houseguests look furious. 

CBS gave us the opportunity to witness it all go down on the most recent episode of Big Brother and it made for a tough hour of television. 

It all started when Natalie realized that Zakiyah was being ridiculed by Paulie behind her back. Add in the fact that Paulie has made countless comments about her physique, Natalie was not impressed. 

She went to Zakiyah and told her that Paulie played a part in her being on the block. This made Zakiyah cry, but she ran straight to Paulie to confront him. 

Paulie was shocked that someone actually went behind his back, and went straight to James to let him know that he would have to target Natalie. 

Paulie could have left it all there, but he decided to taunt Natalie by letting her know she would be going out the house straight after Michelle. He looked deranged whenever he said anything to her. 

It was pretty scary. 

All of the drama led to a house meeting that included Paulie making several comments about Natalie’s breasts. It was so clear Paulie knew his game was coming to an end, so he used personal attacks to make himself feel better. 

Paulie clearly let all of the power go to his head and thought he was invincible, but he seemed to forget that the game was getting to the stage in which his all-male alliance would need to split up. 

That’s why PP had to break up. Paul knew he would feel more safe with Victor in the mix because Paulie had deals with everyone else in the house. 

It was a smart game move for Paul to let Victor win the HOH because they had already agreed to put Paulie and Corey up on the block. 

Nicole’s name was thrown out, but she won the super safety care package, so they couldn’t. 

Nicole went crazy with Michelle about calling her out on national TV. Michelle kind of shrugged it off. 

Victor nominated Paulie and Corey!

The power has officially shifted in the Big Brother house and the season looks like it’s going to get pretty good with the power coming back up for grabs. 

Will Paulie be able to find a way to save himself?

We’ll need to tune in to find out!

What did you think of the episode?

Hit the comments!

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Big Brother Spoilers: Did Paulie"s Plan Work?

Paulie Calafiore is running the Big Brother house. 

As much as he wants his ally, Paul, to think he’s helping him make a big move, it’s blatantly obvious that Paulie is following his own agenda. 

It’s similar to the way Derrick played in Big Brother 16. 

Derrick went on to win the whole thing. Here’s thing thing: Derrick was Paulie’s brother, Cody’s BFF in the house. 

It sure seems like Paulie is playing with the influence of both Derrick and Cody. 

It’s a bit of an unfair advantage, but the house will catch on to it soon enough. 

Paulie volunteered to go up on the block with the intention of winning the veto and having Da’vonne put up.

Da’vonne really isn’t this big threat that everyone seems to paint her as. She’s won zero competitions on both of her seasons. 

The rest of the house knows she’s a bit of a snake, so what’s the point in wasting this HOH on her?

That’s exactly what everyone aside from Paulie is thinking, but they don’t seem to be telling him that. 

Zakiyah was very vocal about how wrong it was to put Da’vonne up, but then Paulie informed the other half of his showmance that Da’vonne threw her name out as a replacement nominee. 

This changed Zakiyah’s stance on the whole situation and she sided with Paulie. 

Paulie then won the veto.

He used it on himself and Da’vonne went up in his place. 

Apparently, James and Nicole were giggling at the veto ceremony and Da’vonne thought it was about her. 

Da’vonne was shocked to be on the block, but did she find a way to save herself?


The rest of the houseguests are beginning to realize that the women are disappearing every single week and that it’s silly to take Da’vonne out. 

Paul was even annoyed that his hand was forced to the point he had to nominate his friend. 

Paul’s target is Bridgette, so he will likely entertain the idea of the house quietly voting against Bridgette. 

This would shock Paulie, but would the houseguests really do it?

We’ll need to wait until Thursday to find out when Big Brother continues. 

What do you think of the latest drama?

Hit the comments below!

Big Brother Spoilers: Did Paulie"s Plan Work?

Paulie Calafiore is running the Big Brother house. 

As much as he wants his ally, Paul, to think he’s helping him make a big move, it’s blatantly obvious that Paulie is following his own agenda. 

It’s similar to the way Derrick played in Big Brother 16. 

Derrick went on to win the whole thing. Here’s thing thing: Derrick was Paulie’s brother, Cody’s BFF in the house. 

It sure seems like Paulie is playing with the influence of both Derrick and Cody. 

It’s a bit of an unfair advantage, but the house will catch on to it soon enough. 

Paulie volunteered to go up on the block with the intention of winning the veto and having Da’vonne put up.

Da’vonne really isn’t this big threat that everyone seems to paint her as. She’s won zero competitions on both of her seasons. 

The rest of the house knows she’s a bit of a snake, so what’s the point in wasting this HOH on her?

That’s exactly what everyone aside from Paulie is thinking, but they don’t seem to be telling him that. 

Zakiyah was very vocal about how wrong it was to put Da’vonne up, but then Paulie informed the other half of his showmance that Da’vonne threw her name out as a replacement nominee. 

This changed Zakiyah’s stance on the whole situation and she sided with Paulie. 

Paulie then won the veto.

He used it on himself and Da’vonne went up in his place. 

Apparently, James and Nicole were giggling at the veto ceremony and Da’vonne thought it was about her. 

Da’vonne was shocked to be on the block, but did she find a way to save herself?


The rest of the houseguests are beginning to realize that the women are disappearing every single week and that it’s silly to take Da’vonne out. 

Paul was even annoyed that his hand was forced to the point he had to nominate his friend. 

Paul’s target is Bridgette, so he will likely entertain the idea of the house quietly voting against Bridgette. 

This would shock Paulie, but would the houseguests really do it?

We’ll need to wait until Thursday to find out when Big Brother continues. 

What do you think of the latest drama?

Hit the comments below!