Showing posts with label Peril. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Peril. Show all posts

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Matt Damon, Watch Out Alt Right, March at Your Own Peril in Boston

Matt Damon clearly thinks everyone has a right to exercise free speech in this country, but the alt right may be in for a surprise Saturday in Boston. We got the Boston native at LAX Friday and he never suggested the marchers would be met with…


Thursday, March 3, 2016

Ben Higgins & Lauren Bushnell: Engagement in Peril Over Dual "I Love Yous," Final 3 Boning?

The Bachelor star Ben Higgins has recently come out and declared that he’s engaged … but will it last after the finale actually airs?

Are The Bachelor spoilers missing one key component of how the saga of Ben, Lauren Bushnell and Jojo Fletcher ends in two weeks?

It’s all over celebrity gossip headlines this week that Ben Higgins BROKE ALL THE RULES and told both women that he loved them.

First, a quick aside: Tremendous job by the editors and writers to come up with a halfway original storyline in a season that lacked one.

Well handled, everyone! Let’s have a round of applause!

In all seriousness, whether this intense love triangle was scripted or not, the show itself has been the cause of many couples’ demise.

That is why, as people are clamoring to know who Ben Higgins chooses on the finale, there have been all kinds of fan theories surfacing.

There’s even been talk of Ben Higgins pulling a Jason Mesnick and dumping Lauren Bushnell for Jojo Fletcher after the filming stopped.

Most likely, that’s over the top. But seeing Ben all about Jojo may be enough to plant seeds of doubt in her mind that are all too real.

Lauren, the long-rumored winner, may not be too thrilled to see Ben’s declarations of love for her rival play out on TV week in and week out.

It would make anyone rethink their relationship, no?

The fact that Ben very likely railed all THREE finalists including Caila Quinn in the Fantasy Suite has to be tough enough to handle.

Full-scale declarations of LOVE for Jojo, though?

Yes, it’s a television show and edited for maximum dramatic effect. Yes, he started out dating 25 women and chose her on the finale.

These are facts, but it can still be hard to accept. 

How would Lauren not wonder at least a little bit, deep down, if her fiance still harbored lingering feelings for this year’s runner-up?

Not to mention … Ben making his decision because his mother told him to is a twist we would love to see her reaction to in person.

Sources close to the couple say that their engagement is hanging by a thread and – off the record – a wedding would be a surprise.

Given the show’s track record after 30 seasons, we can’t imagine they’ll make it to the altar, even though we do wish them all the best.

Think they’ll make it? Or is there an epic twist in store on the season finale that no one will see coming and add new layers to the drama?