Showing posts with label Plagiarizing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Plagiarizing. Show all posts

Friday, January 20, 2017

Donald Trump Accused of Plagiarizing Bane: Watch the Speeches!

We already know that an aversion to the truth runs in the Trump family.

But do Donald Trump and Melania Trump also share an affection for plagiarization?

Back in July, the First Lady stole parts of her Republican National Convention speech from Michelle Obama… and now some folks are wondering whether not Trump also relied on another source for this afternoon’s inauguration address.

Specifically, they’re wondering if Trump was strongly influenced by iconic DC Comic villain Bane.

You remember Bane, don’t you?

Played by Tom Hardy in The Dark Knight Rises, he caused many problems for Batman, stirring up anarchy throughout Gotham City as he encouraged the people to rise up against their oppressors.

He basically vowed to Make Gotham Great Again in his own, unique, controversial way.

Sound familiar?

It’s about to sound a lot more familiar.

Consider the following passage from Trump’s inaugural address:

Today’s ceremony, however has very special meaning. Because today, we are not merely transferring power from one administration to another or from one party to another.

But we are transferring power from Washington D.C. and giving it back to you… the people. For too long a small group in our nation’s capital has reaped the rewards of government while the people have born the cost.

Washington flourished but the people did not share in its wealth. Politicians prospered but the jobs left and the factories closed. The establishment protected itself but not the citizens of our country.

Their victories have not been your victories. Their triumphs have not been your triumphs and while they celebrated in our nation’s capital, there was little to celebrate for struggling families all across our land.

That all changes starting right here and right now because this moment is your moment. It belongs to you.


Okay? Got it?

We’re not here to judge the address.

We’re here to marvel over its similarities to what Bane said on the steps of a government building in The Dark Knight Rises. Consider:

We take Gotham from the corrupt! The rich! The oppressors of generations who have kept you down with myths of opportunity, and we give it back to you… the people.

Gotham is yours. None shall interfere. Do as you please. Start by storming Blackgate, and freeing the oppressed! Step forward those who would serve. For and army will be raised.

The powerful will be ripped from their decadent nests, and cast out into the cold world that we know and endure. Courts will be convened. Spoils will be enjoyed. Blood will be shed. The police will survive, as they learn to serve true justice.

This great city… it will endure. Gotham will survive!


We aren’t the only site that took note of this comparison.

Entertainment Weekly and Jezebel were on it right away, as well.

And while the idea of a wannabe Bane being in charge of our nuclear arsenal very scary, let’s remember the title of the film from which we took the above clip:

The Dark Knight Rises.

So that’s the question, people. That’s the reason to have hope.

What hero will rise over the next four years and lead this country to a less Baneful place?


Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Donald Trump Jr: ALSO Accused of Plagiarizing RNC Speech!

As you’ve no doubt heard by now, there was a good deal of controversy surrounding Melania Trump’s speech at the Republican National Convention on Monday night.

A close analysis of the potential first lady’s introduction to voters revealed that Mrs. Trump may have cribbed some key phrases and ideas from a previous candidate’s wife:

Now, astonishingly, the Trump campaign finds itself at the heart of yet another plagiarism controversy, this one centering around the real estate mogul’s son, Donald, Jr.

Donald’s youngest sister, Tiffany Trump, also gave a speech last night, but hers was almost entirely apolitical and focused on her father as a person.

Donald Jr., by contrast, seemed eager to delve into some of the finer policy points of his father’s platform.

Unfortunately, he may have done so with statements recycled from other sources.

Shortly after Donald Jr.’s speech, the Twitter account for Comedy Central’s The Daily Show pointed out some undeniable similarities between his address to the convention and an article for the American Conservative magazine, written by Frank H. Buckley.

Some examples (via Gawker):

Trump: “Our schools used to be an elevator to the middle class. Now, they’re stalled on the ground floor. They’re like Soviet era department stores that are run for the benefit of the clerks and not the customers.”

Buckley: “What should be an elevator to the upper class is stalled on the ground floor … Our schools and universities are like the old Soviet department stores whose mission was to serve the interests of the sales clerks and not the customers.”

Trump: “The other party gave us a regulatory state on steroids.”

Buckley: “Income equality gave Obama a winning hand, and that this gave the country things he hates: Obamacare, Dodd-Frank, and a regulatory state on steroids.”

Trump: “We’ve produced the thickest network of patronage of any country at any time in world history.”

Buckley: “And yet we’ve spawned the thickest network of patronage and influence of any country at any time.”

Buckley eventually offered a statement clarifying that he “helped” Donald Jr., write his speech, and that therefore, “there’s no issue here.”

Well, if the Trump campaign paid Buckley to compose an original address, we hope they kept their receipt.