Showing posts with label Preemie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Preemie. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

J.R. Smith"s Preemie Daughter: I Can Fly ... Private!

Another great day for J.R. Smith’s miracle baby — who took her first trip to Miami this week … ON A PRIVATE JET!  Baby Kota joined her NBA star dad, J.R., and mom, Jewel, on a family vacation to South Beach where the kid went to the beach,…


Wednesday, May 24, 2017

J.R. Smith"s First Photo Home After Leaving NICU With Preemie Daughter

J.R. Smith had a helluva day yesterday … taking his baby Dakota home and winning an playoff game … and now we have the first photo of daddy and daughter at home. As we previously reported, Smith and his wife Shirley took Kota home yesterday…


J.R. Smith"s First Photo Home After Leaving NICU With Preemie Daughter

J.R. Smith had a helluva day yesterday … taking his baby Dakota home and winning an playoff game … and now we have the first photo of daddy and daughter at home. As we previously reported, Smith and his wife Shirley took Kota home yesterday…


J.R. Smith"s Preemie Baby Comes Home From NICU

Huge day for J.R. Smith — and it has nothing to do with the NBA Playoffs — his preemie daughter has finally been discharged from the hospital after a miraculous 4 month battle. As we previously reported, J.R.’s wife Shirley gave birth to their…


Monday, February 6, 2017

J.R. Smith Holds Miracle Preemie for 1st Time ... "One of the Greatest Days of My Life" (PHOTOS)

J.R. Smith’s miracle continues … the NBA star finally got to hold his preemie daughter (born after only 21 weeks) … and says it’s one of the greatest days of his life.  As we previously reported, Smith’s wife gave birth to baby Dakota in…
