Showing posts with label President's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label President's. Show all posts

Monday, February 15, 2016

Presidents Day Style Showdown: Lincoln vs. Washington!

Happy Presidents Day 2016! True American heroes don’t come any truer than these two … who we decided to pit against each other.

Why? To determine, once and for all, the greatest of all time. OF ALL TIME! In an epic Fashion Face-Off for the ages – sort of literally!

And the Winner is?

They were both A-plus chief executives, but which U.S. President do you love more, Abraham Lincoln or George Washington? That’s what we wanna know! View Poll »

Honest Abe and G-Dubs’ duds haven’t been popular in ages, yet by the same token, you never go out of style when you’re a titan of history.

The very first President of the United States, George Washington led the rebellion over Great Britain, then oversaw the birth of a nation.

Kinda puts the rest of our lives in unworthy perspective.

Except for Abraham Lincoln, who, four score and seven years later, delivered the Gettysburg Address, valiantly preserving the union. 

Against similarly long odds, both leaders fought and delivered. In their respective eras and this one, they are true giants among men.

Ranking their achievements and legacies is impossible … but we can at least do fashion, right? So vote for the top Presidential attire above!

Then check out this gallery of a bunch of stars who have no business being POTUS, but hey, if we were forced to pick a celebrity …

Happy Presidents Day: Should These Stars Be in Charge?

Donald Trump is in.

Kanye West claims he will be in for the 2020 election.

But let"s be honest: neither of these stars should be in charge of the free world.

Which celebrities should actually run for President? Who might get elected and who might not even do a terrible job? We can think of a few candidates…

1. Oprah Winfrey

Oprah winfrey

Look, she already has the shirt! She just has to get rid of like two letters and Oprah is all set. Seriously, though, Winfrey may be the most influential celebrity of all-time (just ask any author with a title in her book club). She actually could bring both sides together.

2. Matt Damon

Matt damon photograph

The co-founder of, Damon cares about global issues, is well spoken, is a strong family man… and he makes really good movies!

3. George Clooney

George clooney snapshot

Be honest: you had never heard of Darfur until George Clooney brought the war torn nation into the news. He has his eyes on prizes that extend far behind the Oscars.

4. Jon Stewart

Jon stewart at his desk

He’s spending his post-Daily Show days inside a WWE ring. Clearly, the guy needs something better to do. Over the years, he morphed from a comedian to one of the sole voices of reason whenever the topic of politics arose. He also influenced the passing of an actual bill to help 9/11 rescue workers.

5. Tina Fey

Tina fey and darrell hammond

She has (fake) debate experience, thanks to her impressions of Sarah Palin on Saturday Night Live. She’s funny. She’s popular. And she may earn millions of votes from people who think she IS Palin.

6. Morgan Freeman

Morgan freeman photograph

Morgan Freeman is outspoken and widely respected. We dare anyone to hear his voice and somehow refrain from voting for him.

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