Showing posts with label Puked. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Puked. Show all posts

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Reporter Gets Puked On (A LOT!) During Live Broadcast

It"s not easy being a reporter.

Because Donald Trump is basically encouraging the world to beat you to a bloody pulp? Yes.

But also because you must maintain a brave face even when doing your job in front of a couple having sex.

Or, in the case of KTLA"s Wendy Burch, even when a drunk person vomits all over you.

Burch was featured in a live segment this past Tuesday, speaking to a man who just took part in the annual Hermosa Beach Iron Man, a Fourth of July tradition in the area.

"Let"s just recap," Burch said to the bald individual, as both stood among a boisterous crowd gathered for the fun occasion.

"So you guys ran a mile on the beach, you paddled a mile on the ocean, and now what are you doing?"

"Chuggin" a six-pack of beer," the man said.

Fair enough, right? It was America"s birthday, after all.

As Burch continued to conduct her interview, she and her subject two heard a commotion to their right… which is there they (and the camera) found a bikini-clad woman bent over and throwing up while a rowdy crowd egged her on.

"It"s getting ugly, it"s getting ugly," Burch told viewers.

But she had no idea.

Mere seconds later, she and the Iron Man competitor by her side got splattered with an unidentified substance that came shooting from someone off camera.

It"s very safe to assume this was vomit.

The camera then cut back to the news anchors at their desk, neither of whom could conceal their laughter over what they just witnessed.

"While the anchors tried to regain their composure and go onto the next story. I assumed I was still live,” Burch emailed The Huffington Post after this footage went viral, explaining:

"So, for the better part of the next two minutes, I just kept interviewing drunken people while sudsy substances flew in in the air and landed in my hair.

"Let’s say, after that, it was a wrap. I drove home, took a hot shower and a long nap."

Amazing. Someone get this woman a Pulitzer.

Courages reporter gets puked on during live broadcast

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Rick Ross Says He Puked His Guts Out Partying With Gronk (VIDEO)

Here’s Rick Ross proving that partying with Gronk is almost as dangerous as playing in the NFL … saying he PUKED HIS GUTS OUT trying to keep up with the Patriots star at a post-Super Bowl turn up. Ross was on “The Brilliant Idiots” podcast with…
