Showing posts with label Pumpkin's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pumpkin's. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Mama June and Honey Boo Boo in Vegas for Pumpkin"s Wedding

Mama June’s family has officially expanded by one — because Honey Boo Boo’s big sis just got hitched! June’s 18-year-old daughter, Lauryn “Pumpkin” Shannon tied the knot with her fiance, Joshua Efird, Monday night in Vegas … and then the…


Thursday, January 25, 2018

Mama June Goes OFF on Pumpkin"s Baby Daddy: Watch!

Don"t you just love a good Mama June meltdown?!

There"s something so magical about Honey Boo Boo and her whole entire family, but watching June just rip somebody apart is just next level amazing.

This time around, she"s giving Sugar Bear and his new wife a break, and instead she"s giving some real talk to Lauryn "Pumpkin" Shannon"s boyfriend, Josh Efird.

See, what we have here is a sneak peek for this week"s episode of Mama June: From Not to Hot.

In the clip, June is feeling some feelings after learning that Pumpkin is pregnant, and she decides to talk through those feelings with Josh.

He comes over to the Shannon home to talk to her, and he"s greeted with "Oh, Joshie poo."

(He"s also greeted by June"s truly bizarre makeup — we can only hope we"ll hear the story behind this in the episode, because there"s no way this can just be her everyday look.)

"What happened to you and Pumpkin?" she asks him — and it becomes clear that Josh didn"t know June knew about the pregnancy.

"What the hell, Pumpkin?" he asks his girlfriend later in a confessional. "You could"ve warned me. She was sitting there waiting like a cobra, ready to strike."

Pumpkin comforts him by assuring him that her mother "don"t bite … that much."

Back in the big showdown, June goes off, saying "Pumpkin is f-cking pregnant, that"s not what I envisioned for her at 17 to be f-cking having a baby."

"What plans do you have?" she asks him. "I mean, do you have any idea how much it takes to raise a baby? Coming home, working 9 to 5, eating f-cking ramen noodles and mac and cheese for the next 18 years."

"Are you ready for that? DING DONG!"

Josh starts laughing, which is fair, but she doesn"t appreciate it because "this ain"t a f-cking laughing matter."

She"s so furious that subtitles had to be added in when she told him "It"s damn coming even faster than you can damn see."

Josh explains later in the confessional that he laughed because even though he was trying to be respectful, June just looked too ridiculous.

Again, fair.

In her own confessional, June reminded us that she had her first child, her daughter Anna, when she was just 15 years old, so she knows firsthand how hard it is to be a teen parent, specifically a single teen parent.

And that"s why, back with Josh, she tells him that he can either "step up and be a man" or "get the f-ck out now."

Which seems a little harsh, because he never indicated that he wasn"t interested in stepping up?

Watch June in action in the video below:

Mama june goes off on pumpkins baby daddy watch