Showing posts with label RNCCentral. Show all posts
Showing posts with label RNCCentral. Show all posts

Friday, July 15, 2016

Donald Trump and Ted Cruz Make Out on RNC-Central Billboard

Donald Trump just selected Mike Pence to be his Vice President.

But it’s the interactions between this insane candidate for the Oval Office and another Republican that have folks talking today.

That’s because there’s a billboard up in Ohio of Trump making out with Ted Cruz.

We’re talking a near full-on game of tonsil hockey taking place between the former GOP rivals, although we’re also talking about an artist’s depiction of Trump and Cruz.

See, the billboard was put up by Planting Peace, a nonprofit organization behind The Equality House, which is a rainbow-colored resident that sits across the street from Westboro Baptist Church.

The best part?

The billboard is located in Cleveland, just five miles from the site of next week’s Republican National Convention.

“Love trumps Hate. End homophobia,” reads the large caption alongside the image of Trump and Cruz.

Aaron Jackson, President of Planting Peace, tells The Huffington Post that the large sign is a response to the Republican party’s messages of intolerance toward the LGBT community.

“What Donald, Ted and the Republican party either fail to realize, or realize and just don’t seem to care about, is that their words and actions toward our LGBT family – especially LGBT children – have meaning and impact,” Jackson says.

“LGBT children hear these messages telling them they are nothing but second class citizens and are left feeling broken or ‘less than.’”

It’s not really debatable that proposed GOP platform – which will be up for ratification by delegates at next week’s convention – is one of the most anti-gay platforms in political history.

According to CNN, it “opposes same-sex marriage rights, supports efforts to restrict bathrooms to individuals’ birth gender and protects businesses who refuse services to individuals based on religious objections to gay marriage.”

“When children are dying because of negative messages, then it’s time to change the message,” Jackson says, adding:

“Planting Peace calls for the immediate change in the Republican party platform with regard to our LGBT family and LGBT rights. Never again shall a negative, hateful message be uttered in the name of ‘religious freedom.’

“We are calling for action that brings full, fundamental rights to the LGBT community, and a narrative that empowers LGBT people to live and love freely.”