Showing posts with label Reflect. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Reflect. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra Reflect on Adoption Nine Years Later

Despite the theories spun by Teen Mom fans, Tyler Batlierra is not leaving Catelynn Lowell. They have another baby on the way!

They gave up their first child for adoption.

In this new Teen Mom OG sneak peek, Tyler and Catelynn grapple with the bittersweet occassion that is their firstborn"s birthday.

Tyler baltierra and catelynn lowell on the phone listening

"It"s been almost a year since we"ve seen our daughter, Carly," Catelynn says in a voiceover.

"But today is her birthday," Catelynn narrates. "It"s usually a hard day for us, so we always try to celebrate it in a positive way."

There are a couple of awkward moments as they eat their salads before they speak on the phone to Dawn, their adoption counselor.

They talk about Nova and her ability to understand that it"s Carly"s birthday.

Nova, of course, is only three years old, so immediately asked when the party would be, and if they would have cake and ice cream.

Dawn suggests that they send a Nova video to Carly, and Tyler says that it"s already in the works.

Catelynn on season 8

The conversation, which had so far been lighthearted, turns more serious.

Dawn praises Catelynn and Tyler, telling them how proud she is of how they"re taking this milestone in stride.

Adoption can be a difficult process for everyone involved, even though no one questions that they made the right decision.

And the two of them have really made great progress in handling the situation with a healthy perspective.

As Tyler admits when Dawn comes over to speak to them in person, he and Catelynn weren"t always so chill about it.

Tyler on his phone

"I think some of our old expectations were unrealistic," Tyler admits.

"Like, [we] signed our rights off," he says, referring to signing away their parental rights nine years ago.

"A couple of years ago," Tyler confesses. "I was on the other side."

By which he means that he felt entitled to parental rights that he does not possess.

Tyler gives an example: "I was like, ‘You wouldn’t be parents if it weren’t for me.’"

"It’s acceptance of what role I really play in this child’s life and this family’s life," Tyler says of his current perspective.

Number rainbowbaby

Dawn, their adoption counselor, knows that Carly"s birthday is a big deal.

She walks them through how they might speak to Carly"s parents.

"If I can advise you in any way," Dawn says. "I would say a soft landing would be a good thing."

Dawn suggests: "Maybe starting a conversation with, ‘What’s Carly doing today? How are things going with her at school?’"

"You love to brag about Nova," Dawn notes. "She’s gonna love to brag about Carly."

Dawn concludes: “I think that’s gonna be an easier entry into a conversation."

Tyler and catelynn baltierra

Tyler and Catelynn then speak about the various traumas that they have experienced.

While most of Catelynn"s PTSD arises from her childhood, as is most often the case, it"s not the only source.

The adoption that she and Tyler went through as teens was another trauma in her life.

That is very understandable. Being conscious of that can be tremendously helpful.

Catelynn"s miscarriage, she says, was a trigger for a lot of that trauma to resurface in her mind.

Catelynn lowell and tyler baltierra 2018 selfie

Catelynn and Tyler have demonstrated more personal and emotional growth than a lot of their co-stars.

We"re not going to pretend that either of them are perfect.

If they didn"t have flaws, they wouldn"t work as reality stars.

But they"ve really worked hard on themselves and on their relationship.

That deserves some recognition.

Catelynn lowell and tyler baltierra reflect on adoption nine yea

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Logan Paul: Man, I Need to "Reflect" on My Life!

It may have taken the most boneheaded of all boneheaded moves, but Logan Paul claims to have reached an epiphany.

Kind of. Sort of.

Either that, or the wildly popular YouTube star has realized what he needs to do from a public relations standpoint.

Earlier this week, Paul got in scalding hot water for basically being an insensitive jackass.

He uploaded a video to his social media account of him and some buddies walking through a forest in Japan that is known for people choosing to take their own lives there.

Indeed, it is actually known as the “suicide forest.”

At one point, Paul comes across a dead body, films it for multiple minutes and even makes a few jokes about it.

The clip has since been deleted, but it was viewed by millions of people, all of whom saw Paul make funny faces in the direction of the corpse, while also zooming in for a close-up.

It was an example of disgusting behavior and illuminating behavior, reflective of a culture in which people will film anything if they think it could go viral.

In response, Paul apologized.

In rather obnoxious fashion.

“Let’s start with this – I’m sorry,” he said on New Year’s Day, adding:

“This is a first for me. I’ve never faced criticism like this before, because I’ve never made a mistake like this before.

“I’m surrounded by good people and believe I make good decisions, but I’m still a human being. I can be wrong.

“I didn’t do it for views. I get views. I did it because I thought I could make a positive ripple on the Internet, not cause a monsoon of negativity. That’s never the intention.

“I intended to raise awareness for suicide and suicide prevention and while I thought ‘if this video saves just ONE life, it’ll be worth it,’ I was misguided by shock and awe, as portrayed in the video. I still am.”

He went on to talk about his monumentally huge following and didn’t really come across all that regretful in this mea culpa.

So then Paul tried again.

In a video (which he monetized), Paul at least sounded a bit more contrite during apology number-two, saying at one point:

“I do not deserve to be defended … I’m ashamed of myself. I’m disappointed in myself. And I promise to do better. I will do better.”

But he won’t try to do better any time soon; because he won’t be sharing any new videos any time soon.

“Taking time to reflect,” Logan shared with his 3.9 million Twitter followers Wednesday night. “No vlog for now. See you soon.”

Prior to making this decision, Paul had uploaded at least one 15-minute video online every day for 460 days in a row.

But maybe, possibly, he finally understands just how much he effed up with this latest one.

“Our hearts go out to the family of the person featured in the video,” a spokesperson for YouTube told E! News in a statement.

“YouTube prohibits violent or gory content posted in a shocking, sensational or disrespectful manner.

“If a video is graphic, it can only remain on the site when supported by appropriate educational or documentary information and in some cases it will be age-gated.

“We partner with safety groups such as the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline to provide educational resources that are incorporated in our YouTube Safety Center.”
